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American Film Institute Catalog (AFI)

Searchable Fields

An accessible version of the Searchable Fields table is available here below.

AFI=American Film Catalog        FIAF=International Index to Film Periodicals Database     FII=Film Index International

**  Use the look up list if uncertain of the format of the name

Field Name Label Search Examples & Explanation
Abstract  AB AB(“music track”)

The Abstract field contains the film’s Synopsis in AFI and FII.;
Document Number
AN AN(356894)

Search the unique database ID for articles and documents.
Anywhere   Disney cartoon

Enter keyword(s) without a field code label to search the entire record. On the Advanced Search page, enter search terms or phrases, and select the “Anywhere” from drop-down menu to the right of the search box.
Anywhere except full text NOFT NOFT(sound)

Searches for keywords in the citation and abstract. It excludes the full text of the article from the search.
Cast CAST Cast.Exact("Pickford, Mary")     CAST(AL PACINO)

Searches the name of the Actor (Cast>Name). **
Character CHR CHR.Exact("Ruth Wilcox")           CHR(Connie Corleone)

Searches the name of Character (Cast>Role). **
ORG Org(Paramount)      Org("Merchant Ivory Productions Ltd")

Production company &ndash. **
Country of Publication CP CP("Great Britain")    CP("United States")

In AFI and FII use this field to focus the search on movies produced in a specific Country. **
Crew CREW Crew(Morricone)    Crew("Forster, E M")

Searches the name of a Crew member (Credits >Name). **
Director DIRECTOR Director.Exact("IVORY, James")    Director.Exact("Griffith, David Wark" OR "Griffith, D W")
director(sofia coppola)

Search the name of the film Director. **
Document Title TI TI(“The Godfather”)      TI(Cabiria)

Applies to all types of records. Locates the occurrence of search words in the title of the film or locates the title in its entirety (AFI, FIAF, FII – Film records). Includes also the Alternative Title.
Document Type DType DType(Film)      DType(Review)      DType(Book)

In AFI the Document Type is always Film.
Location  LOC Loc("Sicily Italy")       Loc(Spain)

In AFI and FII use to search for the location of the film. Can be a country and a region or a town.
There can be more than one location in the same film.
Notes NT NT(Variety)      NT(Married n/5 Vivien n/1 Leigh)       NT(Playwright)
NT(awards n/5 baftas)       NT("fritz lang")

AFI : Searches the Document Note text of the record.
Person PER Per("Selznick, David O.")       Per(Almodovar Pedro)      Per(Ismail Merchant)

Searches all the fields with single person names.**
In AFI and FII includes: Cast, Crew, Director, Producer.
Producer PRODUCER Producer(Griffith)       Producer("MERCHANT, Ismail")

Searches the name of individual producer.
Production genre PGR PGR("Drama")

Applies only to AFI . Use to search for the Film Production Genre: check the box for a full list of definitions included in this field
Production Title PTI PTI(The Godfather)         PTI(“Mario Puzo's The Godfather”)

Locates the occurrence of search words in the title of the film or the entire title. Includes also the Alternative Title. Applies to all types of records. **
Publication date PD PD(19871020)      PD(19691217)      PD(1991)

Use this field to search for dates of World release of Films in all.
Publication Subject JSU JSU(“Motion Pictures”)

In AFI and FII the Publication Subject is always Motion Pictures.
Publication Title PUB PUB(Variety)

Specific publication or publications. In AFI the Publication Title is always American Film Institute Catalog.
Source type SType Stype(Artistic & Aesthetic Works)  

Use this to find specific source types. In AFI the Source Type is always Artistic & Aesthetic Works.
Subject Heading(All) SU SU(costume)         SU.Exact("costume films")

Applies mostly to AFI and FIAF . Use the subject search field to look for a specific subject. A search for the subject heading “costume”, will find films with the subjects: costumes, costume films, costume design , etc. To run a subject search where only “costume films” is retrieved and no other alternative terms, search using EXACT.  **
Year YR/PY YR(1978)     YR(1914-1918)

Use a single year or series of years (separated by a hyphen) to search for all films released during that year or that course of years (AFI, FIAF, FII ).