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Visual History Archive


Notes about Profiles and Visual History Archive Access

  • Any email address can be used to set up a profile or log in.  
  • Access to the full Visual History Archive is restricted by IP address.  The full Archive can only be accessed if a user is coming from any subscribing institutions' IP addresses as access is managed only by IP address. If a user wants to access the full VHA remotely, they would need to go through their subscribing institution's network to get a valid IP either by using VPN or by library proxy.
  • If a user logs in without authentication through a subscribing institution (for example, from home, or a coffee shop, or other place without authentication into the product), the user will default into the free version (VHA Online) that contains significantly less content. 
  • Profiles are not matched to institutional IPs, so a user can create an account at one institution, then travel to another institution with access, and log in there with with the same credentials.

    EZProxy Stanza for new VHA

AnonymousURL +*
Title USC Shoah Visual History Archive [2022 Nov NW] 
HTTPHeader -request -process x-csrf 
HTTPHeader -response -process Access-Control-Allow-Origin
HTTPHeader -response -process Access-Control-Allow-Credentials 
HTTPHeader -request -process Referer 
Option X-Forwarded-For
Option CookiePassThrough 
AnonymousURL -*
Option NoX-Forwarded-For 
Option Cookie