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ABI/INFORM Collection


In this page we will show the unique search features for ABI/INFORM Collection. Go to the Platform LibGuide for a complete guide to ProQuest's search and display features.

Look Up Lists

ABI/INFORM Collection offers several Look ups or browsable indexes, so you can easily find spelling or format variations of, for example, an author's name or a publication title. You can find the Look up links in the advanced search page and they are available for the following searchable fields: author, publication, subject, company/organization, person, location, classification code, and NAICS. For a description of these fields, please see the searchable fields page. 

Note: Look ups are also available from the Command Line search (through the Look up terms link).


To use and locate a Look up link, select the field from the advanced search fields pull-down menu. If a Look up is available, under the search row you will see a link to it.




Some of the Look up links will be listed in the lower section of the advanced search page.






Select the Look up link and then you will see a browsable and alphabetical index for that field.


The Look up list of the NAICS codes is unique, since it offers a display of the codes in hierarchical order, which allows browsing through categories in an organized manner.

Some indexes will not display an alphabetical list before searching for the term, rather you will have to enter a term first, and then the alphabetical list of matches will display.









Once you locate the index term that you would like to add to your search, mark the item, and then click the Add to search button.


The index term will appear in the advanced search form along with the appropriate pull-down menu selection.



Use this page to easily locate featured reports and other non-periodical content.




ABI/INFORM presents the richest selection of Browse Indexes of the wealth of Reports and other Full Text sources other than the periodicals.










Each Hgh level category, once clicked on, will offer one or more lower level index, arranged alphabetically, by subject, location, date, industry etc.

Each can be easily explored to retrieve relevant reports without effort.