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ETD Dashboard

Filter by Subjects

ETD Dashboard provides an option to filter comparison content to certain specific disciplines or subjects.

To set the filter, click Filter by subjects and check the boxes on the left for each subject desired for comparison.  The subjects selected will list in the filter section on the right.

Comparison Groups

ETD Dashboard lets you choose pre-set institution comparison groups, or create and save your own custom institution comparison groups for analysis.

To choose a pre-set comparison group, open the Comparison groups menu and select the group of institutions of your choice.

Comparison Groups Pull Down Graphic

To view detailed descriptions for the Comparison group choices, click the information icon to the right of the Comparison groups menu.

Comparison Groups Explanation Menu

Custom comparison group options may be added to the Comparison groups menu by administrators.  From the main menu in the upper right, select My University Groups

Click Create a new group and select the desired institutions for comparison, Enter a unique group name, and Save.

Manage Users

ETD Dashboard allows administrators to add, delete, and manage users at their institution. 

To access Manage Users, select the labeled option from the main upper right menu.

The Manage Users list appears, allowing users to be disabled or enabled.  Select Add a user.

The resulting pop-up window provides the required fields for the new user.  Fill them in and click Add user