1. There are a variety of document format tabs that can be visible from the Document View. All documents will have at a minimum, the Abstract/Details tab.
Full text: displays the abstract and HTML full text. There will likely also be an option to translate the full text from English to any of the 14 languages currently supported. Your ProQuest administrator may have also turned on the text-to-speech reader. When you click play, the text will be read aloud in English.
Full text - PDF: displays the PDF version of the document. You can additionally Download the PDF from this view to pull the PDF out of ProQuest and into your local PDF reader or directly to your device.
Abstract/Details: displays the citation, full abstract and indexing details. Any linking tools that the library administrator has enabled to help locate the full text will be available here.
The Details section shows all available bibliographic information for the item. A permanent link to the item is also included for you to bookmark or include in your own documents. Clicking a linked term (such as subject or author) will retrieve other items indexed with that same term and take you to a new Search Results page.
Please see the Searchable Fields page of this guide for a list of common ProQuest fields.
References: if provided by the author and publisher, the list of References will be visible. If one of the References is available to your library through another ProQuest database, you will be able to click on the reference to view the full record.
2. When viewing a full record, use one of the tools to work with the item.
The Download to PDF button appears when there is PDF full text available for the document. Clicking on this will download the PDF to your machine. If there is full text for a document but it is not available in PDF, this button will instead say Save as PDF. This will take the contents of the full text and save it in a PDF file for ease of use and storage.
The Cite tool generates a bibliography. Copy and paste the generated bibliography into a document and make any necessary edits. Remember to always check for accuracy. You can also Email or Print any selected records.
Save records to a bibliographic manager like RefWorks or New RefWorks (subscription and account required) or Save a copy of the record to one of the supported file formats. Save to My Research adds the records to your My Research account where they will be stored and available each time you sign in to the My Research account.
Add to selected items lets you select the record and create a list of items to work with later on.
In addition to using these features from the Document view page, they can also be used from the Results page, Selected items list and through the Folder icon.
3. With some documents, you may additionally see Cited by link; this displays a list of other ProQuest documents that include the current document in their list of References. Documents with shared references provides a list of the ProQuest documents that have References in common with the current document.
4. The Related items menu displays five suggested items that are related to the current record. ProQuest analyzes the keywords in the full record and then suggests similar items that include similar key words, phrases, or concepts as the displayed document. Click on a title to display the document. Click the See more related items link to view more documents.
5. Search with indexing terms appear below the Related items and displays the indexed subject terms for the record and allows you to choose relevant subjects. When you click Search, ProQuest looks for documents in your currently selected databases that are indexed using ALL of your selected terms. It is possible to come across records that do not include subject terms and therefore this feature may not be available.
Selecting an ebook record takes you to the unique EBook Details Viewer. The updated view and eBook reader are integrated into ProQuest and mirrors the experience that you have from eBook Central without having to leave ProQuest. The Ebook Central Bookshelf is now accessible within ProQuest so that you can save your eBooks directly to your Bookshelf without having to leave ProQuest. You can login using your existing Bookshelf credentials or create a new Bookshelf account here.
From the eBook Details View you will see the book Availability, Description, Table of Contents, Book Details, and the following tools: Read Online, Download Book (not available for all titles and duration varies), Add to Bookshelf, Share Link to Book and Cite Book. Once you click Read Online or select a portion of the book from the Table of Contents, you are taken to the eBook Document Viewer within ProQuest. See below for more tips and information.
After selecting the Read Online option, you are taken to the full text of the eBook. This is also known as the eBook reader or eBook Document Viewer.
1. From the left panel, there are four selectable tabs: Table of Contents, the Book Details (including online allowances), Annotations, and Search within book. You can close this panel to create more screen space for the book contents.
2. From the top tool bar, you'll see the set of features that you can use to work with the book content.
Full Download: Download the entire book for a time period of 1 - 21 days (options vary and not all titles allow full downloads). The full book download requires the use of Adobe Digital Editions or Blue Fire Reader for mobile device downloads. You must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature. Visit the Full Download page on our Ebook Central LibGuide to learn more.
Chapter Download: Download a chapter or section of the book to PDF. PDF does not expire as it is downloaded to your local machine/device. Page restrictions are listed. You must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Copy: Copy a section of the book. Page restrictions are listed. You must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Print to PDF: Print a section of the book. Page restrictions are listed. You must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Add to Bookshelf: Bookshelf is a personal account that you use with Ebook Central eBook content. This account is separate from the ProQuest My Research account. Use the Bookshelf account to manage and organize your eBooks for ease of access and to share resources and content with others.
Share Link: Create a durable/persistent URL to any section of the book.
Get Citation: Create a citation for the book in any of the six citation styles listed. Export option to RefWorks and EndNote/Citavi are also available here.
Highlight: Highlight the book content for ease of access to relevant and important sections. Highlighting is kept track of in the Annotations menu from the left panel. The annotations are also available through your Bookshelf account. Must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Add Note: Add important notes to the text of the book for future reference. Notes are kept track of in the Annotations menu from the left panel. The annotations are also available through your Bookshelf account. Must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Add Bookmark: Add a Bookmark to any page of the text that you want to remember/refer to later. The bookmarks are kept track of in the Annotations menu from the left panel. The annotations are also available through your Bookshelf account. Must have a Bookshelf account to use this feature.
Zoom Out, Zoom In, Zoom: Use these options to adjust the view and size of the text display.
Go to Page: Enter a page number to navigate directly to that page.
Previous/Next Arrows: Use to navigate forward or backward through the full text of the book.
If your library has subscription video content from Academic Video Online (AVON), you can now search and view your AVON videos on the ProQuest Platform. If you cross-search all of the content on the ProQuest platform, you'll see that AVON is available as a selectable database. You can choose to search it individually from the Databases tab or by clicking to search all databases. Your library may also have a login link that automatically selects all your ProQuest databases for you. For more information view our training video on the updates to video and ebook content here below.
AVON videos appear alongside your other ProQuest content in the results page. Selecting an AVON record takes you to the unique Document View for the video. The updated view and video player are integrated into ProQuest and mirrors the experience that you have from AVON without having to leave ProQuest. Please note that currently we do not support the Clips and Playlist feature in ProQuest, but this will be added at a later date. AVON records can be added to your My Research account within ProQuest. For the Clips and Playlist feature, please view the video in the AVON Alexander Street Video platform.
The unique AVON Video features include the following:
1. Transcript: View the transcript. While the video plays, the corresponding sections of the transcript are highlighted. You can also search the transcript for your relevant keywords/topics.
2. Embed: you can find in this section the permanent link of the video and the code to be embedded in your LMS or other website.
3. Video Player: The video plays inside the Document View (alongside the traditional document features such as the Abstract, Document Details, and Related items list). The video controller includes Play/Pause, Mute, Volume control, Closed-Captioning (On-screen transcript), Quality level adjustments, and Full screen mode.
4. Like other traditional documents in ProQuest, you can Cite, Email, Print, and in the All Options section you will be able to Save the video in your cloud accounts. or you can select the record to add to your Selected items list and move a copy to your My Research account and Export to RefWorks. You'll also find other recommended videos from the Related items list.