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Robert La FolletteProgressive Era: Robert M. La Follette Papers (Module 42)

Congressman, Governor, and United States Senator, Robert Marion La Follette is one of the crucial figures of the Progressive Movement of the early twentieth century. This collection documents his early career in the political reform movement from 1879 to 1910.
During these years, La Follette emerged as the powerful leader of the reform coalition which was struggling with the state’s large economic interests for control of the government. In 1901 the reformers won control of the state Republican party, and La Follette began the first of his three terms as governor.

La Follette’s papers focus on his fight to reform corruption and injustice in the political system of the state of Wisconsin. They include correspondence with Andrew Carnegie, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and other major figures of the Progressive Era.
This collection is organized into six series: Correspondence, Governor's Letterbooks, Speeches and Writings, Wisconsin Republican Party Records, Financial Records, and Miscellaneous Volumes. In addition, there is an addendum, from 1975, that encompasses an additional two thousand pages. Document types include personal, political, and legal correspondence; financial records; voter names lists; and administrative and organizational records.
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