In this page we will show the unique search features for Sociology Database . Go to the Platform LibGuide for a complete guide to ProQuest's search and display features.
Sociology Database offers five Look ups or browsable indexes, so you can easily find spelling or format variations of, for example, an author's name or a subject name. You can find the Look up links in the advanced search page and they are available for the following searchable fields: Subject heading, Company/Organization,Location,Author, and Publication title. For a description of these fields, please see the Searchable fields table.
Note: Look ups are also available from the Command Line search (through the Look up terms link).
To use and locate a Look up or browsable index, select the field from the Advanced Search pull-down menu. If a Look up is available, under the search row you will see a link to the Look up. Other Look ups and browsable indexes will be listed in the Limit To section of the Advanced Search page.
The ProQuest Thesaurus is used to index the Sociology Database subject field. Subject terms are found in the subject field and this field is part of the searchable fields table to the right. Subject terms are also commonly known as descriptors, controlled vocabulary, and sometimes classification terms.
In Sociology Database, there are different subject types and in addition to the all encompassing subject field, there is also a separate subject field for company/organization, person, and location. These are also included in the searchable fields table to the right.
The thesaurus allows you to find subject terms to narrow or broaden your search and is available from the Advanced or Command Line. If you want to run a search on a subject, but you do not know what term to use, use the thesaurus to search the controlled vocabulary. A hierarchical display is available and will give suggestions on the appropriate subject terms to add to your search.
To use the thesaurus, select the Thesaurus link from the Advanced or Command Line search page, then browse or search for subjects containing the word or beginning with the word. Mark the items that you would like to search and then select the appropriate Boolean operator to combine your items. Click the Add to search button and your terms will be placed into the search form. Run your search to include the subject terms (adding additional search fields and terms if needed).