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Finding, creating and editing content files

A great way to start is to ask other EndNote users. Feel free to share EndNote content files via email, network drives, social media, or third-party sync services. Clarivate maintains an active and helpful EndNote user community with a specific forum for output styles and other content files.

You can search our content download pages, regularly updated with new and modified files.

EndNote desktop includes editors for creating or modifying content files if you cannot find an item you need. The in-application EndNote Help file, and accompanying PDF manuals, include step-by-step instructions.

Journal editors, publishers and librarians

We would be pleased to work with you to include or update output styles, connection files or import filters. Use the request forms to provide your information for our content team to review. We will contact you when we have reviewed your submission.

Output styles are the "templates" that format bibliographic data in authors' manuscripts to meet your specific requirements.

Connection files allow authors to download bibliographic data from within EndNote directly. A Z39.50 connection to your site must be available to use Connection Files.

Import filters allow authors to import already-downloaded tagged text files of bibliographic data into EndNote.