Boolean and proximity operators are processed in the following order
Parentheses are very useful when you put a search together which contains more than one operator. Queries within the parentheses will be processed first.
communicat* and (cell* or phone)
A field tag is a 2 - 5 letter abbreviation representing fields of a Factiva document.
Field tags help you target specific parts of an article in your search. Field tags may contain Dow Jones Intelligent Indexing™ codes or specific key terms that you select. The field tag will precede the code or keyterms. For example, in the search fds=IBM, the fds= field tag for Dow Jones company codes is used to search for articles about IBM.
You can combine field tags with free-text searches, or combine multiple field tags in a search.
For the full list of searchable Factiva field tags, see Article
Note: You must authenticate to access to the Help articles.
Examples for Free Text Search
For Articles Containing |
Enter |
Both the word Nokia and the exact phrase emerging markets. |
Nokia AND emerging markets |
Either Michelin or Firestone. |
Michelin OR Firestone |
Wireless but not cellular. |
wireless NOT cellular |
Information about online banking in the retail or consumer sectors.* |
online banking AND (retail or consumer) |
Examples for Search Builder
For Articles Containing | Enter |
At least 5 mentions of Microsoft. Use with numbers 1-50. Use only against Search for free-text terms in: Full Article, not against specific fields. The atleast operator does not support nested terms, therefore, the search atleast10 (Olympics and Winter Games) is not valid. Restate the atleast operator in your strategy when searching for multiple key terms. |
atleast5 Microsoft atleast10 Olympics and atleast10 Winter Games |
Vodafone in the same paragraph as telecommunications. The same operator must be used against Search for free-text terms in: Full Article, not against specific fields. The same operator also cannot be used repetitively, as in (wireless same cellular same telephone). |
Vodafone same telecommunications (wireless same (cellular and telephone)) |
President within 3 words of Obama, where Obama is the third word (there can be 0-2 words between), and the terms appear in that exact order. Search results would contain, for example, mentions of President Obama, President Barack Obama, President Barack H. Obama. You must enter a number with this operator, between 1 and 10. For more information on proximity connectors (such as w/n, near, /Nn/ or adj) and to learn how range is calculated, refer to the help. |
President w/3 Obama |
World Cup within 5 words of rugby, where rugby is the fifth word (there can be 0-4 words between). The terms must appear in that exact order. Search results would contain, for example, mentions of World Cup rugby or World Cup match in rugby. |
World Cup adj5 rugby |
Carrefour within 5 words of the word sales, where there can be 0-4 words between Carrefour and sales. For example, retail sales posted byCarrefour. The terms can appear in any order. |
Carrefour near5 sales |
Boeing 747 within 30 words of British Airways, where there can be 0-29 words between Boeing and British. The terms can appear in any order. You must enter a number with this operator, between 1 and 500. |
boeing 747/N30/british airways |
The word Toyota used in the first 50 words of an article. You must enter a number with this operator, between 1 and 500. |
toyota/F50/ |
Phrases which include a Factiva search operator such as Research and Development or not for profit. Any phrase which contains one or more of the following terms should be enclosed in double quotes: and, or, not, same, near, date. To learn more about reserved words, refer to the help. |
"Research and Development" "not for profit" |
Any word that begins with earn and ends with a given number of letters: earns, earnings. Use with numbers 1-9. You must enter a minimum of 3 characters before using the truncation ($) sign, and the $ sign must be entered at the end of a word only. If no number is entered, the default will be 5 characters. The more characters you enter before the $ sign, e.g. earn$ rather than ear$, the better your results. To learn more about truncation, refer to the help. |
earn$4 |
Any words that begin with telecom. You must use at least 3 characters before the truncation (*) sign and it must be used at the end of a word only. Do not enter numbers after the sign. The more characters you enter before the sign, e.g. telecom* rather than tel*, the better your results. To learn more about truncation, refer to the help. |
telecom* |
Either globalization or globalisation, or other wildcard spellings. To learn more about wildcards, refer to the help. |
globali?ation |
The words U.S. stock market and word count greater than 5,000, to identify longer articles about the stock market.
U.S. stock market and wc>5000 |