Use the Basic Search (Home page) form to search across the full text of the materials available.
At the top (left corner) of the page, use the links to migrate to the Advanced Search page, or to the Search by Number page.
Use the boxes under the search form for the following:
Click the “Find Terms” link to display a list of agencies, and Popular Law names for you to select, which are then transferred back to the relevant search box when you click “Paste to Search”.
To narrow the scope of your search you can join together your search terms using special sets of predefined words called operators. Boolean and proximity searching provides more information on how to use these operators.
For information about Boolean searching (using AND, OR, or NOT) and wildcards, use the Search Syntax page
Use the Advanced Search form to search within specific content types, or to search only within specific fields.
Use the search segments in the dropdown to search specific parts of the metadata:.
For best results when searching using an Agency or Popular Law name, use the Find Terms link to the right of the search box.
Use the Search by Number form when there is a known citation for a Federal Register document (FR), a Regulation (CFR),a Public Law (PL), a Statute at Large citation (Stat.), a federal statute or U.S. Code citation (USC), an Agency Docket Number or a Regulatory Information Number (RIN.)
FEDERAL REGISTER (FR): Entering a Federal Register Volume and Page number retrieves Regulatory Histories and Agency Views that contain that citation and FR entries that match or cite that number
CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (CFR): Entering a Title number and Part or section retrieves Regulatory Histories and Agency Views that contain references to that Part or section and Regulations that match or cite that number.
PUBLIC LAW NUMBER: Entering a PL by Congress and number retrieves Regulatory Histories that are related to that Public Law.
STATUTES AT LARGE: Entering a citation from the Statutes at Large retrieves Regulatory Histories that are related to that Public Law.
US CODE: Entering a Title and Section of the United States Code retrieves Regulatory Histories and Regulations (CFR) that result from the authority given to an Agency by the Public Law that enacted or amended that US Code section.
AGENCY DOCKET: Entering this number identifies the document within the agency's internal filing system retrieves Regulatory Histories and FR articles that mention that docket number.
REGULATION IDENTIFIER NUMBER a.k.a. RIN: The Regulatory Information Service Center assigns a RIN (Regulation Identifier Number) to each regulatory action beginning in the fall of 1981. The RIN enables you to find the action in the Unified Agenda and also retrieves Regulatory Histories and FR articles that mention that RIN.