Arts & Humanities
Health Research
Social Sciences
ProQuest Central is the largest, multidisciplinary, full-text database available in the market today. This resource provides access to 47 of ProQuest's complete databases, with a variety of content types across over 175 subjects, making this the broadest single research resource in the world. Unlike other resources, ProQuest Central is made up of separate, fully searchable databases which may be used together or separately. ProQuest Central won the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) 2010 CODiE Award for Best Online General Reference Service.
While ProQuest Central provides access to millions of much-coveted full text articles from thousands of scholarly journals, it also provides access to information not available in other aggregated resources such as:
ProQuest Central Collection components
Subject areas covered in ProQuest Central include:
Arts and Humanities
Comprehensive coverage of the humanities, arts, and culture with over 1,000 titles in the main subject areas including literature, history, religion, philosophy, and fine and performing arts. Arts & Humanities Database, Religion Database, and full-text titles from Research Library provide journals, magazines, and professional publications.
The inclusion of ABI/INFORM Collection gives access to thousands of journals specifically on business, economics, accounting, finance, management, taxation, law as well as a comprehensive collection of top market, industry, and country reports from Economist Intelligence Unit, BMI, ISI Emerging Markets, and more.
Health and Medical
With ProQuest Health and Medical Collection, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Database, Consumer Health Database, Healthcare Administration Database, Public Health Database, and Psychology Database, users have access to a truly international resource, with content from 45 different countries. This comprehensive collection includes full-text journals, as well as scholarly resources such as dissertations, professional literature, and practical medical training videos.
ProQuest Central contains over 2,000 full-text news titles from hundreds of global news organizations, such as Wall Street Journal*, The Guardian, El Mundo, Financial Times, The Times of India, The New York Times, Die Welt, and LeMonde, Los Angeles Times, and Al Bawaba news publications. Content is added daily to ProQuest Central, with major newspapers loading by 8am on the day of the publication.
Science & Technology
Seven new databases have just been added to enhance and strengthen this collection! The new databases include Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database, Agriculture Science Database, Biological Science Collection, Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database, Engineering Database, Environmental Science Database, and Materials Science Database. You now have access to even more important full-text, impact factored journals, including publishers like Nature Publishing Group and Springer.
Social Sciences
ProQuest Central features scholarly journals, and professional journals in all the fields within social and political sciences with complete resources such as Criminal Justice Database, Education Database, Library Science Database, Linguistics Database, Political Science Database, Social Science Database, and Sociology Database.
ProQuest Central includes the multidisciplinary Research Library, Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database, the new Publicly Available Content Database, and nine regional databases.
The regional databases provide current, full-text, scholarly journals locally published in these regions, helpful for area studies and focused research on scholarly output in the localities. These include: