Some of the data in ProQuest® Congressional is expressed within the results record as an abbreviation or a non-equivalent acronym. In many cases, this will not impact your search results because the term is also spelled out elsewhere in the results record. In some cases, however, it may be helpful for you to know what the acronym or abbreviation stands for. Here is a partial of abbreviations and non-equivalent acronyms you may encounter:
Search Equivalents in ProQuest® Congressional
Some acronyms are equivalent to the terms they represent. In some cases, variant spellings can also be used interchangeably. Equivalencies allow you to enter any allowable form of the term to return a result. Here is a partial list of search equivalents that can be used to search ProQuest® Congressional:
If you enter as a term... | will also get results for these equivalent terms: |
AAA | American Automobile Association |
ABM | Anti-ballistic missile; antiballistic missile |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children |
AFGE | American Federation of Government Employees |
AGA | American Gas Association |
AHA | American Hospital Association |
AMA | American Medical Association AGA |
AMEX, AMSE, ASE | American Stock Exchange |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ARAMCO | Arabian-American Oil Co. |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics |
CBOT | Chicago Board of Trade |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CME | Chicago Mercantile Exchange |
COMEX | Commodity exchange |
CPA | Certified public accountant |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CWA | Communication Workers of America |
DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOI | Department of Interior |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FHLBB | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FOMC | Federal Open Market Committee |
FPC | Federal Power Commission |
FR | Federal Register |
FRB | Federal Reserve Board |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GSA | General Services Administration |
HEW | Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Health, Education and Welfare |
HMO | Health maintenance organization |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAMAW | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IEBW | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers |
ICA | International Communication Agency |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICBM | Intercontinental ballistic missile |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission |
ILO | International Labor Organization |
IMCO | Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
INTERPOL | International Criminal Police Organization |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
KKK | Ku Klux Klan |
LEAA | Law Enforcement Assistance Administration |
LIUNA | Laborers International Union of North America |
MIRV | Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NALC | National Association of Letter Carriers |
NAM | National Association of Manufacturers |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASD | National Association of Securities Dealers |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBA | National Basketball Association |
NCAA | National Collegiate Athletic Association |
NEA | National Education Association |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities |
NFL | National Football League |
NHL | National Hockey League |
NIOC | National Iranian Oil Co. |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board |
NPC | National Petroleum Council |
NRA | National Rifle Association |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NYME | New York Mercantile Exchange |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
OAS | Organization of American States |
OCAWIU | Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union |
OCC | Omnibus crime control |
OECD | Organization for European Cooperation and Development |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSM | Office of Surface Mining |
PEMEX | Petroleos Mexicanos |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization |
POW | Prisoner of war |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
PTO | Patent and Trademark Office |
ROTC | Reserve Officers’ Training Corps |
Russia | Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
SEATO | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
SMWIA | Sheet Metal Workers International Association |
SPCA | Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SST | Supersonic transport |
TC | Trade commission |
TV | Television |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority |
UAW | United Automobile Workers; United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Workers |
UBCJA | United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America |
UERMWA | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America |
UK | United Kingdom |
UMW | United Mine Workers |
UN | United Nations |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UPI | United Press International |
US | United States |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
USO | United Service Organizations |
USSR | Soviet Union; Russia |
VA | Veterans Administration |
VFW | Veterans of Foreign Wars |
VOA | Voice of America |
WCTU | Women’s Christian Temperance Union |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WPI | Wholesale price indexes |
YMCA | Young Men’s Christian Association |
YWCA | Young Women’s Christian Association |