1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |
11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th |
21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th |
31st | 32nd | 33rd | 34th | 35th | 36th | 37th | 38th | 39th | 40th |
41st | 42nd | 43rd | 44th | 45th | 46th | 47th | 48th | 49th | 50th |
51st | 52nd | 53rd | 54th | 55th | 56th | 57th | 58th | 59th | 60th |
61st | 62nd | 63rd | 64th | 65th | 66th | 67th | 68th | 69th | 70th |
71st | 72nd | 73rd | 74th | 75th | 76th | 77th | 78th | 79th | 80th |
81st | 82nd | 83rd | 84th | 85th | 86th | 87th | 88th | 89th | 90th |
91st | 92nd | 93rd | 94th | 95th | 96th | 97th | 98th | 99th | 100th |
101st | 102nd | 103rd | 104th | 105th | 106th | 107th | 108th | 109th | 110th |
111th | 112th | 113th | 114th | 115th | 116th | 117th | 118th | 119th | 120th |
Legislation listed through 1980 was obtained from CRS Report No. 82-156 GOV, Major Acts of Congress and Treaties Approved by the Senate, 1789-1980, Sept. 1982.
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
1st | 1 Stat. 24-27 | Tariff Act of 1789 | Jul 4, 1789 | Establish procedures to raise money to pay Government wages and obligations and to fund Federal debt |
1st | 1 Stat. 28-29 | Department of Foreign Affairs | Jul 27, 1789 | Establish Department of Foreign Affairs |
1st | 1 Stat. 49-50 | Department of War | August 7, 1789 | Establish Department of War |
1st | 1 Stat. 65-67 | Department of Treasury | Sep 2, 1789 | Establish Treasury Department |
1st | 1 Stat. 68-69 | Department of State | Sep 15, 1789 | Change name of Department of Foreign Affairs to Department of State |
1st | 1 Stat. 70 | Office of Postmaster General | Sep 22, 1789 | Provide for the temporary appointment of a Postmaster General |
1st | 1 Stat. 73-93 | Judiciary Act of 1789 | Sep 24, 1789 | Establish the Federal Courts system |
1st | 1 Stat. 101-103 | First Census | Mar 1, 1790 | Provide for apportionment of Representatives and establish decennial census |
1st | 1 Stat. 103-104 | Uniform Rule of Naturalization | Mar 26, 1790 | Establish a uniform rule for naturalization of free white persons |
1st | 1 Stat. 109-112 | First Patent Law | Apr 10, 1790 | Establish a 3-man board with power to grant patents |
1st | 1 Stat. 124-126 | First Copyright Law | May 31, 1790 | Provide copyright protection for plays, maps, and books |
1st | 1 Stat. 130 | Permanent Seat of Government | Jul 16, 1790 | Provide for establishment of the Capital |
1st | 1 Stat. 138-144 | Funding and Assumption Act of 1790 | Aug 4, 1790 | Provide for Federal government assumption of debts incurred by the States as a result of their participation in the Revolutionary War |
1st | 1 Stat. 191-196 | First Bank of the U.S. | Feb 25, 1791 | Incorporate the Bank of the U.S. |
1st | 1 Stat. 199-214 | First Internal Revenue Law | Mar 3, 1791 | Create revenue districts and imposed a tax on distilled liquors |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
2nd | 1 Stat. 239-241 | Presidential Succession Act | Mar 1, 1792 | Provide for succession in case the President and Vice President are both removed, resign, or die |
2nd | 1 Stat. 246-251 | First Mint | Apr 2, 1792 | Authorize establishment of the first U.S. Mint |
2nd | 1 Stat. 271-274 | Militia Act | May 8, 1792 | Require "each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the Republic between the ages of 18 and 45 to serve in a State militia". |
2nd | 1 Stat. 302-305 | Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 | Feb 12, 1793 | Empower owners of fugitive slaves, or their agents, to seize fugitive slaves and return them to servitude |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
3rd | 1 Stat. 350-351 | Formation of U.S. Navy | Mar 27, 1794 | Authorize the construction and manning of frigates and establish procedures for pay of Navy personnel |
3rd | 1 Stat 381-384 | Neutrality Act | Jun 5, 1794 | Prohibit U.S. citizens from enlisting in the services of any foreign power and prohibit the fitting out of foreign vessels in U.S. ports |
3rd | 1 Stat. 414-415 | Naturalization Act | Jan 29, 1795 | Establish procedures for resident aliens to become U.S. citizens |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
4th | 1 Stat. 464-469 | Land Act of 1796 | May 18, 1796 | Provide for surveys of public lands within the Northwest Territory and establish procedures for auction of public lands |
4th | 1 Stat. 469-474 | An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes | May 19, 1796 | Establish a boundary line between the U.S. and various Indian tribes, beyond which only Indians had the right to hunt, trap, and fish |
4th | Stat. 477-478 | An Act for the Relief and Protection of American Seamen | May 28, 1796 | Authorize investigation of impressment and detention of U.S. seamen into the naval service of foreign governments |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
5th | 1 Stat. 552 | Naval Armament for the Protection of American Commerce | Apr 27, 1798 | Authorize the acquisition of naval vessels |
5th | 1 Stat. 553-554 | Department of the Navy | Apr 30, 1798 | Establish the Department of Navy |
5th | 1 Stat. 566-569 | Naturalization Act (First of the Alien and Sedition Acts) | Jun 18, 1798 | Revise procedures for resident aliens to become U.S. citizens |
5th | 1 Stat. 570-572 | Alien Act (Second of the Alien and Sedition Acts) | Jun 25, 1798 | Provide the President with authority to deport aliens adjudged to be undesirable and require the licensing of certain other aliens |
5th | 1 Stat. 577-578 | Alien Enemies Act (Third of the Alien and Sedition Acts) | Jul 6, 1798 | Authorize the President to apprehend, detain, and deport resident aliens who are subjects of a foreign power at war with the U.S. |
5th | 1 Stat. 594-596 | Marine Corps Act | Jul 11, 1798 | Organize the Marine Corps into a distinct Service of the U.S. Government |
5th | 1 Stat. 596-597 | Sedition Act (Fourth of the Alien and Sedition Acts) | Jul 14, 1798 | Provide for the arrest and imprisonment of any person who attempts to impede lawful processes of government, foment insurrection or write, publish or utter false or malicious statements about the President, Vice President, Congress or Government of the U.S. |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
6th | 2 Stat. 19-36 | First Federal Bankruptcy Law | Apr 4, 1800 | Establish a uniform system of bankruptcy |
6th | 2 Stat. 55-56 | Removal of Government to Washington | Apr 24, 1800 | Provide for the removal of the U.S. Government to Washington, D.C. |
6th | 2 Stat. 58-60 | Indiana and Ohio Territories | May 7, 1800 | Divide the Northwest Territory into the Indiana and Ohio Territories |
6th | 2 Stat. 89-100 | Judiciary Act of 1801 | Feb 13, 1801 | Revise the Federal Court System |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
7th | 2 Stat. 137 | U.S. Military Academy | Mar 16, 1802 | Authorize the establishment of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. |
7th | 2 Stat. 156-167 | Repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801 | Apr 29, 1802 | Revise the Federal Court System |
7th | 2 Stat. 173-175 | First Enabling Act | Apr 30, 1802 | Establish procedures for the Ohio Territory to become a State |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
8th | 2 Stat. 274 | Second National Bank Act | Mar 23, 1804 | Authorize U.S. Bank officials to establish offices in any part of the territories or dependencies of the U.S. |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
9th | 2 Stat. 357-359 | Cumberland Road Act | Mar 29, 1806 | Authorize the construction of a national road between Cumberland, Md., and Wheeling, W.Va. |
9th | 2 Stat. 379-381 | Non-Importation Act | Apr 18, 1806 | Prohibit the importation of certain British goods |
9th | 2 Stat. 421 | Judiciary Act of 1807 | Feb 24, 1807 | Increase the number of Supreme Court Justices from six to seven |
9th | 2 Stat. 426-430 | Slave Trade Prohibition Act | Mar 2, 1807 | Prohibit the importation of slaves into U.S. after Jan 1, 1808. |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
10th | 2 Stat. 451-453 | Embargo Act of 1807 | Dec 22, 1807 | Embargo all ships and vessels in U.S. ports and harbors to prevent them from engaging in commercial activities with foreign countries |
10th | 2 Stat. 528-533 | Non-Intercourse Act | Mar 1, 1809 | Repeal the Embargo Act of 1807 and reopen trade with all nations except Great Britain and France |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
11th | 2 Stat. 605-606 | Macon's Bill Number 2 | May 1, 1810 | Authorize the restoration of trade with Britain and France on the condition that they recognize American neutrality |
11th | 3 Stat. 471-472 | Extension of U.S. Rule Over West Florida | Jan 15, 1811 | Authorize the President to occupy certain territories in West Florida |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
12th | 2 Stat. 755 | Declaration of War Against Great Britain and Ireland | Jun 18, 1812 | Declare war against Great Britain and Ireland and authorize the President to use land and naval forces to carry out the war |
12th | 2 Stat. 708-709 | Act to Enlarge the Limits of the State of Louisiana | Apr 14, 1812 | Annex certain West Florida lands to Louisiana |
12th | 2 Stat. 734 | Act to Enlarge the Boundaries of the Mississippi Territory | May 14, 1812 | Annex certain West Florida lands to Mississippi |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
13th | 3 Stat. 195 | Purchase of the Library of Thomas Jefferson | Jan 30, 1815 | Authorize the purchase of the library of Thomas Jefferson for use by Congress |
13th | 3 Stat. 217-218 | Reduction of Naval Establishment | Feb 27, 1815 | Provide for the sale of certain naval vessels |
13th | 3 Stat. 224-225 | Fixing the Peacetime Military Establishment | Mar 3, 1815 | Establish a peacetime standing army |
13th | 3 Stat. 230 | Declaration of War Against Algiers | Mar 3, 1815 | Declare war against Algiers in response to actions against U.S. ships and demands for payment of tribute |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
14th | 3 Stat. 266-277 | Second National Bank of the U.S. | Apr 10, 1816 | Establish and capitalize the Second National Bank of the U.S. |
14th | 3 Stat. 310-314 | First Protective Tariff | Apr 27, 1816 | Establish heavy duties on certain foreign imports |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
15th | 3 Stat. 415 | Flag of the U.S. | Apr 4, 1818 | Establish the Stars and Stripes as the permanent design of the U.S. flag |
15th | 3 Stat. 488-489 | First Immigration Law | Mar 2, 1819 | Establish rules and procedures for passenger ships bringing immigrants to the U.S., including establishment of a numerical registry of immigration |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
16th | 3 Stat. 544 | Missouri Compromise | Mar 3, 1819 | Authorize the admission of Maine to the Union as a free State |
16th | 3 Stat. 545-548 | Missouri Compromise | Mar 6, 1820 | Permit the people of the proposed State of Missouri to draw up a constitution under which they decide whether or not to permit slavery, and prohibit slavery in the Louisiana Purchase north of the line 36 30' except in Missouri |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
17th | 3 Stat. 678 | Latin American Republics Act | May 4, 1822 | Appropriate funds to establish diplomatic missions in the newly independent countries of Columbia, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Peru |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
18th | 4 Stat. 22-23 | General Survey Act | Apr 30, 1824 | Empower the President to initiate surveys and estimates regarding the costs of building roads and canals for military, commercial, or postal purposes |
18th | 4 Stat. 25-30 | Tariff Act of 1824 | May 22, 1824 | Increase tariff rates on certain items, including cotton goods, raw wool, and iron |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
19th | 4 Stat. 158 | Mission at the Panama Conference | May 4, 1826 | Appropriate funds to send envoys and ministers to the Panama Conference of 1826 |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
21st | 4 Stat. 411-412 | Indian Removal Act | May 28, 1830 | Provide for the general resettlement of Indians to lands west of the Mississippi |
21st | 4 Stat. 419-420 | Renewing of Commercial Intercourse Between the U.S. and Certain Colonies of Great Britain | May 29, 1830 | Authorize the President to open the ports of the U.S. as soon as British colonial were opened to the U.S. vessels without discrimination |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
22nd | 4 Stat. 583-594 | Tariff Act of 1832 | Jul 14, 1832 | Lower duties on many imported goods |
22nd | 4 Stat. 629-631 | "Compromise Tariff" Bill | Mar 2, 1833 | Add many imported items to the tariff-free list and provide for gradual reduction of many other duties |
22nd | 4 Stat. 632-635 | Force Bill | Mar 2, 1833 | Authorize the President to use the army and navy as necessary to execute revenue laws and collect custom duties |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
23rd | 4 Stat. 735-738 | Department of Indian Affairs | Jun 30, 1834 | Provide for the organization of Department of Indian Affairs within Department of War |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
24th | 5 Stat. 52-56 | Deposit Act | Jun 23, 1836 | Require Department of Treasury to designate at least one bank in each State and territory as a place of public deposit of U.S. funds, and provide for the distribution of surplus revenue among the States |
24th | 5 Stat. 176-178 | Enlargement of the Supreme Court | Mar 3, 1837 | Increase the number of the Supreme Court Justices from seven to nine |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
25th | 5 Stat. 201-204 | Treasury Note Issue of 1837 | Oct 12, 1837 | Authorize the issues of $10 million dollars in Treasury notes to relive national financial crisis |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
26th | 5 Stat. 385-392 | Independent Treasury Act of 1840 | Jul 4, 1840 | Establish Federal depositories independent of State banks and private business, and establish sub-treasuries at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New Orleans, Washington and Charleston |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
27th | 5 Stat. 439-440 | Repeal of the Independent Treasury Act of 1840 | Aug 13, 1841 | Order the removal of all Government funds from the depositories established under the Independent Treasury Act of 1840 |
27th | 5 Stat. 548-567 | Tariff Act of 1842 | Aug 30, 1842 | Increase tariff rates and end the distribution of revenues to the States |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
28th | 5 Stat. 721 | Establishment of Uniform Election Day for Presidential Electors | Jan 23, 1845 | Designate the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November as Election Day for Presidential electors |
28th | 5 Stat. 797-798 | Texas Annexation Resolution | Mar 1, 1845 | Declare the consent of Congress to the establishment of Texas as a State and its admission to the Union |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
29th | 9 Stat. 9-10 | Declaration of War with Mexico | May 13, 1846 | Declare that the war was begun by Mexico, appropriate funds to conclude war, and empower the President to use the army and navy |
29th | 9 Stat. 42-49 | Walker Tariff Act | Jul 30, 1846 | Reduce tariff rates |
29th | 9 Stat. 59-66 | Independent Treasury Act of 1846 | Aug 6, 1846 | Establish sub-treasuries for the deposit of Government money and stipulate that all payments made to and by the Government must be in gold, silver or Treasury notes |
29th | 9 Stat. 201 | Postage Stamp Act | Mar 3, 1847 | Authorize use of adhesive postage stamps |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
30th | 9 Stat. 323-331 | Oregon Bill | Aug 14, 1848 | Establish a territorial government for Oregon that prohibits slavery |
30th | 9 Stat. 395-397 | Department of the Interior | Mar 3, 1849 | Establish the Department of Interior with responsibilities for the census, Indians, public lands, and patents |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
31st | 9 Stat. 446-452 | Texas and New Mexico Act | Sep 9, 1850 | Establish Texas boundaries, authorize compensation to Texas for relinquishing claims to New Mexico, and provide that New Mexico be admitted to the Union with or without slavery, as determined by its constitution |
31st | 9 Stat. 452-453 | Admission of California as a Free State | Sep 9, 1850 | Provide for the admission of California to the Union as a free State |
31st | 9 Stat. 453-458 | Utah Act | Sep 9, 1850 | Provide that Utah be admitted to the Union with or without slavery, as determined by its constitution |
31st | 9 Stat. 462-465 | Fugitive Slave Act | Sep 18, 1850 | Remove fugitive slave cases from Federal jurisdiction, provide for the appointment of Federal commissioners to conduct hearings ands issue warrants of arrest and certificates of return, impose a fine and imprisonment on any person aiding or harboring a fugitive slave, and deny fugitive slaves the right of jury trial or the right to testify on their own behalf |
31st | 9 Stat. 467-468 | District of Columbia Slave-Trade Act | Sep 20, 1850 | Abolish the slave trade in D.C. |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
32nd | 10 Stat. 3 | To Make Military Bounty Land Warrants Assignable | Mar 22, 1852 | Provide that land warrants issued to veterans in return for military service may be sold or traded |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
33rd | 10 Stat. 277-290 | Kansas-Nebraska Act | May 30, 1854 | Repeal the Missouri Compromise to allow citizens in the newly created territories of Kansas and Nebraska determine whether or not slavery would be legal |
33rd | 10 Stat. 604 | Citizenship Act of 1855 | Feb 10, 1855 | Grant right of citizenship to children of citizens born outside of the U.S. |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
35th | 11 Stat. 269-272 | English Bill | May 4, 1858 | Offer to admit Kansas into the Union and provide the State with a public lands grant, provided that the State adopt the Lecompton constitution which supported slavery and the rights of slave owners |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
37th | 12 Stat. 292-313 | First Federal Income Tax | Aug 5, 1861 | Impose duties on certain imports, institute a direct tax on real estate, and establish a tax on income |
37th | 12 Stat. 319 | First Slave Confiscation Act | Aug 6, 1861 | Provide for the emancipation of slaves employed in arms or labor against the U.S. Government |
37th | 12 Stat. 345-348 | Legal Tender Act | Feb 25, 1852 | Authorize the issuance of $150 million in paper currency |
37th | 12 Stat. 387-388 | Department of Agriculture | May 15, 1862 | Establish the Department of Agriculture |
37th | 12 Stat. 392-394 | Homestead Act | May 20, 1862 | Provide up to 160 acres of public lands at $1.25 an acre to any citizen or head of a family who occupied and improved the land for five continuous years |
37th | 12 Stat. 489-498 | Pacific Railroad Act | Jul 1, 1862 | Provide for the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad to undertake efforts to complete the first U.S. transcontinental railroad |
37th | 12 Stat. 501-502 | First Antipolygamy Act | Jul 1, 1862 | Prohibit the practice of polygamy in the States and Territories, and annul certain acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah |
37th | 12 Stat. 503-505 | Morrill Land-Grant College Act | Jul 2, 1862 | Grant to States not in rebellion against the U.S. Government public lands or land scrip to be sold for the purpose of endowing agricultural and mechanical arts colleges |
37th | 12 Stat. 543-561 | Tariff Act of 1862 | Jul 14, 1862 | Raise tariff rates |
37th | 12 Stat. 589-592 | Second Slave Confiscation Act | Jul 17, 1862 | Emancipated slaves of persons engaged in the rebellion against the U.S. Government |
37th | 12 Stat. 665-682 | National Bank Act | Feb 25, 1863 | Establish a national banking system |
37th | 12 Stat. 731-737 | Conscription Act | Mar 3, 1863 | Establish a national system to draft men between the ages of 20-45 for military service |
37th | 12 Stat. 755-758 | Habeas Corpus Act | Mar 3, 1863 | Endorse actions of President Lincoln authorizing the suspension of habeas corpus rights during the war |
37th | 12 Stat. 806-807 | National Academy of Sciences | Mar 3, 1863 | Establish the National Academy of Sciences |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
38th | 13 Stat. 202-218 | Morrill Tariff Amendments of 1864 | Jun 30, 1864 | Increase tariff rates |
38th | 13 Stat. 365-372 | Northern Pacific Railroad Act | Jul 2, 1864 | Authorize the Northern Pacific Railroad to build a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Portland, Oregon |
38th | 13 Stat. 385-387 | Immigration Act | Jul 4, 1864 | Provide for the appointment of the Commissioner of Immigration and the establishment of a U.S. Emigrant Office in New York |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
39th | 14 Stat. 27-30 | Civil Rights Act | Apr 9, 1866 | Grant citizenship to all persons born in the U.S., and provide all citizens, with the exception of Indians, with the same civil rights |
39th | 14 Stat. 428-430 | First Reconstruction Act | Mar 2, 1867 | Divide the States of the former Confederacy, except for Tennessee, into military districts, and establish procedures for their readmittance to the Union |
39th | 14 Stat. 430-432 | Tenure of Office Act of 1867 | Mar 2, 1867 | Prohibit the President from removing civil officials appointed with the advice of the Senate without first obtaining Senatorial approval |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
40th | 15 Stat. 2-5 | Second Reconstruction Act | Mar 23, 1867 | Require military commanders in charge of the five military districts in the South to establish procedures for voter registration and elections |
40th | 15 Stat. 539-544 | Alaska Purchase Treaty | Apr 9, 1867 | Provide for the purchase of Alaska from Russia |
40th | 15 Stat. 14-16 | Third Reconstruction Act | Jul 19, 1867 | Provide the commander of the five Southern military districts with authority to suspend or remove from office any civil or military official in the district, and to resolve voter eligibility issues |
40th | 15 Stat. 41 | Fourth Reconstruction Act | Mar 11, 1868 | Revise regulations for former Confederate State adoption of new constitutions |
40th | 15 Stat. 72-74 | Omnibus Act | Jun 22-25, 1868 | Provide for the readmission to the Union of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
41st | 16 Stat. 1 | Public Credit Act | Mar 18, 1969 | Provide for the payment of Government obligations in gold |
41st | 16 Stat. 140-146 | First Force Act (First Ku Klux Klan Act) | May 31, 1870 | Establish penalties for and Federal jurisdiction over right to vote infringement |
41st | 16 Stat. 162-165 | Department of Justice | Jun 22, 1870 | Establish the Department of Justice |
41st | 16 Stat. 256-272 | Tariff Act of 1870 | Jul 14, 1870 | Eliminate or reduce tariff rates on certain imports, and reduce the internal revenue tax |
41st | 16 Stat. 433-440 | Second Force Act (Second Ku Klux Klan Act) | Feb 28, 1871 | Place control of national elections under Federal control, authorize Federal judges to appoint election supervisors, and authorize U.S. Marshalls to preserve order at polling places |
41st | 16 Stat. 514-515 | Civil Service Commission | Mar 3, 1871 | Authorize the President to prescribe regulations to promote the efficiency of the civil service, and to employ suitable persons to conduct interviews and establish regulations for individuals who receive civil service appointments |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
42nd | 17 Stat. 13-15 | Third Force Act (Third Ku Klux Klan Act) | Apr 20, 1871 | Direct the Federal courts to punish specific acts of terrorism, bar members of Klan-type societies from serving on juries in these cases, and authorize the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in areas deemed to be in a condition of anarchy and insurrection |
42nd | 17 Stat. 32-33 | Yellowstone National Park (First National Park) | Mar 1, 1872 | Designate a tract of land near the Yellowstone River as a public park |
42nd | 17 Stat. 91-96 | General Mining Act of 1872 | May 10, 1872 | Provide that mineral deposits on public lands be open to exploration and purchase by U.S. citizens |
42nd | 17 Stat. 230-258 | Tariff Act of 1872 | Jun 6, 1872 | Reduce tariff rates and reduce the duties on salt and coal |
42nd | 17 Stat. 424-436 | Coinage Act of 1873 | Feb 12, 1873 | Discontinue coinage of silver dollars except for international trade, and make gold the sole monetary standard for the U.S. |
42nd | 17 Stat. 485-509 | Salary Grab Act | Mar 3, 1873 | Double the President’s salary and increase the salaries of the Vice President, Cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, and members of Congress |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
43rd | 18 Stat 4 | Salary Grab Act Repeal | Jan 20, 1874 | Repeal the salary increases in Salary Grab Act, with the exception of the salary of the President and Supreme Court Judges |
43rd | 18 Stat. 116-121 | Reorganization of D.C. Government | Jun 20, 1874 | Replace D.C. home rule with a government of commissioners appointed by the President |
43rd | 18 Stat. 296 | Specie Resumption Act | Jan 14, 1875 | Reduce the value of greenbacks in circulation and allow the resumption of specie payment |
43rd | 18 Stat. 335-337 | Civil Rights Act of 1875 | Mar 1, 1875 | Guarantee equal rights to all citizens in public accommodations and conveyances, and prohibit the exclusion of African Americans from jury duty |
43rd | 18 Stat. 469-470 | Tariff Act of 1875 | Mar 3, 1875 | Increase tariff rates and duties |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
44th | 19 Stat. 227-229 | Electoral Commission | Jan 29, 1877 | Establish a commission to review dispute involving electoral votes in the 1876 Presidential election |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
45th | 20 Stat. 25-26 | Bland-Allison Act | Feb 28, 1878 | Provide for the Department of Treasury to purchase silver to be coined into silver dollars, make silver legal tender, authorize the issuance of paper money backed by coin deposits, and direct the President to call an international monetary conference to set a ratio between gold and silver |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
46th | 20 Stat. 152 | Army Appropriation Bill of 1878 | Jun 18, 1878 | Prohibit the use of the U.S. Army as a posse comitatus to execute laws, except in cases expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress |
46th | 20 Stat. 394-395 | Geological Survey | Mar 3, 1879 | Establish the Geological Survey as a bureau within the Department of Interior |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
47th | 22 Stat. 30-32 | Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act | Mar 22, 1882 | Impose penalties on the practice of polygamy and disqualify those who practice it from voting, holding office, or serving on juries in polygamy cases; and place Utah elections under Federal supervision |
47th | 22 Stat. 58-61 | Chinese Exclusion Act | May 6, 1882 | Suspend the immigration of Chinese laborers for ten years and deny citizenship to all foreign-born Chinese |
47th | 22 Stat. 64 | Tariff Commission | May 15, 1882 | Establish a commission to suggest reforms to deal with the accumulating surplus in the Department of Treasury |
47th | 22 Stat. 214-215 | Immigration Act of 1882 | Aug 3, 1882 | Prohibit paupers, criminals, convicts, and the insane from entering the U.S., and establish a 50-cent head tax on each immigrant |
47th | 22 Stat. 403-407 | Pendleton Act | Jan 16, 1883 | Establish a bipartisan Civil Service Commission and provide that no Federal employees is under any obligation to contribute to a political fund |
47th | 22 Stat. 488-526 | Mongrel Tariff | Mar 3, 1883 | Revise tariff rates for certain imports |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
48th | 23 Stat. 60-61 | Bureau of Labor | Jun 27, 1884 | Establish a Bureau of Labor within the Department of Interior |
48th | 23 Stat. 115-118 | Second Chinese Exclusion Act | Jul 5, 1884 | Impose stringent penalties on the master of any vessel attempting to land Chinese laborers |
48th | 23 Stat. 332-333 | Contract Labor Act | Feb 26, 1885 | Prohibit immigration of contract laborers into the U.S. except for use as domestic servants or skilled labor not otherwise obtainable for new industries |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
49th | 24 Stat. 1-2 | Presidential Succession | Jan 19, 1886 | Establish procedures for Presidential succession in case of removal, death, resignation or inability of the both the President and Vice President to serve |
49th | 24 Stat. 373-375 | Electoral Count Act | Feb 3, 1887 | Revise procedures for electoral vote in Presidential elections |
49th | 24 Stat. 379-387 | Interstate Commerce Act | Feb 4, 1887 | Establish a presidentially appointed five-man Interstate Commerce Commission |
49th | 24 Stat. 388-391 | Dawes Severalty Act | Feb 8, 1887 | Provide for the allotment of Indian reservation lands to tribal members |
49th | 24 Stat. 440-442 | Hatch Act | Mar 2, 1887 | Provide subsidies to States for establishment and support of agricultural experiment stations administered by State agricultural colleges |
49th | 24 Stat. 500 | Tenure of Office Act Repeal | Mar 3, 1887 | Repeal the Tenure of Office Act of 1887 |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
50th | 25 Stat. 182-184 | Department of Labor Act | Jun 13, 1888 | Re-designate the National Bureau of Labor as an independent agency without Cabinet rank |
50th | 25 Stat. 501-504 | Railroad Arbitration Act | Oct 1, 1888 | Establish procedures for voluntary arbitration in railroad-labor conflicts |
50th | 25 Stat. 659 | Department of Agriculture Act | Feb 9, 1889 | Re-designate the Commission on Agriculture as an independent department with Cabinet level status |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
51st | 26 Stat. 81-100 | Territory of Oklahoma | May 2, 1890 | Establish the Oklahoma Territory |
51st | 26 Stat. 182-183 | Dependent Pension and Disability Act | Jun 27, 1890 | Provide pensions to disabled Union veterans and dependents of veterans who work for a living |
51st | 26 Stat. 209-210 | Sherman Antitrust Act | Jul 2, 1890 | Provide the Federal Government with authority to prosecute corporations or individuals entering into contracts in restraint of interstate trade or commerce with foreign countries, and provide individuals injured by monopolistic practices with the right to sue for damages |
51st | 26 Stat. 289-290 | Sherman Silver Purchase Act | Jul 14, 1890 | Require Department of Treasury to buy certain amounts of silver bullion and issue legal tender Treasury notes redeemable in gold or silver |
51st | 26 Stat. 567-625 | McKinley Tariff Act | Oct 1, 1890 | Increase duties and provide for limited reciprocity treaties between the U.S. and countries that produce sugar, molasses, coffee, tea and hides |
51st | 26 Stat. 826-830 | Court of Appeals Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Establish the Court of Appeals |
51st | 26 Stat. 1103 | Forestry Reserves Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Authorize the President to set aside public lands as forest reserve lands (subsequently called national forests) |
51st | 26 Stat. 1106-1110 | International Copyright Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Provide copyright protection to foreign authors whose governments provide U.S. authors with copyright protection |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
51st | 26 Stat. 81-100 | Territory of Oklahoma | May 2, 1890 | Establish the Oklahoma Territory |
51st | 26 Stat. 182-183 | Dependent Pension and Disability Act | Jun 27, 1890 | Provide pensions to disabled Union veterans and dependents of veterans who work for a living |
51st | 26 Stat. 209-210 | Sherman Antitrust Act | Jul 2, 1890 | Provide the Federal Government with authority to prosecute corporations or individuals entering into contracts in restraint of interstate trade or commerce with foreign countries, and provide individuals injured by monopolistic practices with the right to sue for damages |
51st | 26 Stat. 289-290 | Sherman Silver Purchase Act | Jul 14, 1890 | Require Department of Treasury to buy certain amounts of silver bullion and issue legal tender Treasury notes redeemable in gold or silver |
51st | 26 Stat. 567-625 | McKinley Tariff Act | Oct 1, 1890 | Increase duties and provide for limited reciprocity treaties between the U.S. and countries that produce sugar, molasses, coffee, tea and hides |
51st | 26 Stat. 826-830 | Court of Appeals Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Establish the Court of Appeals |
51st | 26 Stat. 1103 | Forestry Reserves Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Authorize the President to set aside public lands as forest reserve lands (subsequently called national forests) |
51st | 26 Stat. 1106-1110 | International Copyright Act | Mar 3, 1891 | Provide copyright protection to foreign authors whose governments provide U.S. authors with copyright protection |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
54th | 28 Stat. 509-570 | Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act | Aug 27, 1894 | Reduce the tariff rate and permit the Government to levy an income tax on incomes in excess of $4,000 per year |
54th | 29 Stat. 84 | Act of Oblivion | Mar 31, 1896 | Repeal law holding that individuals who held commissions or served in an official capacity in the Confederacy were not eligible to hold a position in the U.S. army or navy |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
55th | 30 Stat. 151-214 | Dingley Tariff Act | Jul 24, 1897 | Increase rates of customs duties |
55th | 30 Stat. 738-739 | Recognition of Cuban Independence (Teller Amendment) | Apr 20, 1898 | Recognize the independence of Cuba, demand that Spain relinquish its authority and withdraw land and naval forces from Cuba, and direct the President to use force to carry out this resolution |
55th | 30 Stat. 424-428 | Erdman Act | Jun 1, 1898 | Provide for mediation by Interstate Commerce Commission Chairman and Bureau of Labor Commissioner in railroad disputes |
55th | 30 Stat. 448-470 | War Revenue Act | Jun 13, 1898 | Impose various taxes, including taxes on liquor and tobacco, and authorize Department of Treasury to borrow sums necessary to meet public expenditures |
55th | 30 Stat. 750-751 | Hawaiian Annexation | Jul 7, 1898 | Provide for annexation and government of Hawaiian Islands |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
56th | 31 Stat. 45-50 | Currency Act of 1900 (Gold Standard Act) | Mar 14, 1900 | Declare the gold dollar to be the standard unit of monetary value and place all forms of U.S. currency on parity with gold |
56th | 31 Stat. 77-86 | Foraker Act | Apr 12, 1900 | Establish a civil government in Puerto Rico and establish the island as an unorganized territory of the U.S. |
56th | 31 Stat. 141-162 | Hawaiian Organic Act | Apr 30, 1900 | Accorded Hawaii the political status of an incorporated territory |
56th | 31 Stat. 897-898 | Platt Amendment | Mar 2, 1901 | Prohibit Cuba from making a treaty with any foreign nation which would impair its independence, provide the U.S. with the right to intervene in Cuban affairs, and require Cuba to sell or lease lands to the U.S. for coaling and naval stations |
56th | 31 Stat. 910 | Spooner Amendment | Mar 2, 1901 | Authorize the President to establish a temporary civil government in the Philippine Islands |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
57th | 32 Stat. 51-53 | Permanent Census Office | Mar 6, 1902 | Provide the Census Bureau with permanent status and provide for the appointment of a Director of Census by the President |
57th | 32 Stat. 388-390 | Newlands Reclamation Project | Jun 17, 1902 | Authorize the use of the proceeds of public lands sales in western and southwestern States for the development of irrigation projects |
57th | 32 Stat. 481-484 | Spooner (Isthmus of Panama) Act | Jun 28, 1902 | Provide for the purchase of rights, work, and property owned by the New Panama Canal Co. of France on the Isthmus of Panama |
57th | 32 Stat. 691-712 | Philippines Government Act | Jul 1, 1902 | Declare the Philippine Islands to be an unorganized territory and provide for the establishment of a government |
57th | 32 Stat. 823 | Expedition Act | Feb 11, 1903 | Establish procedures to expedite Federal prosecution of antitrust suits |
57th | 32 Stat. 825-830 | Department of Commerce and Labor | Feb 14, 1903 | Establish the Department of Commerce and Labor as a Cabinet level department |
57th | 32 Stat. 847-849 | Elkins Act | Feb 19, 1903 | Establish a definition of actions that constitute unfair discrimination between shippers engaged in interstate commerce |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
58th | 33 Stat. 628 | Transfer Act | Feb 1, 1905 | Transfer control of national forest reserves from the Department of Interior to the Department of Agriculture |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
59th | 34 Stat. 225 | American Antiquities Act | Jun 8, 1906 | Require that a permit be obtained for examination of ruins and excavations of archaeological sites, and authorize the President to designate as national monuments objects or areas of historical or scientific interest |
59th | 34 Stat. 584-595 | Hepburn Act | Jun 29, 1906 | Empower the Interstate Commerce Commission to establish minimum railroad rates and prescribe uniform accounting systems for railroad corporations |
59th | 34 Stat. 596-607 | Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization | Jun 29, 1906 | Establish a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization |
59th | 34 Stat. 674-679 | Meat Inspection Act | Jun 30, 1906 | Authorize Department of Agriculture to assume responsibility for inspections of meats prepared for interstate shipment |
59th | 34 Stat. 768-772 | Pure Food and Drug Act | Jun 30, 1906 | Establish penalties for manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or mislabeled food, drugs, medicines, and liquors sold in interstate or foreign commerce |
59th | 34 Stat. 1228-1229 | Citizenship and Expatriation Act | Mar 2, 1907 | Establish procedures for issuance of passports to non-U.S. citizens, for expatriation of U.S. citizens, and for granting of citizenship to foreigners married to U.S. citizens |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
60th | 35 Stat. 546-553 | Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Act | May 30, 1908 | Establish a commission to study banking and currency systems, and authorize national banks to form associations permitted to issue circulating notes in times of emergency |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
61st | 36 Stat. 11-118 | Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act | Aug 5, 1909 | Lower customs duties, establish a Tariff Commission, and impose a tax on interstate corporations |
61st | 36 Stat. 539-557 | Mann-Elkins Act | Jun 18, 1910 | Place telegraph, telephone, cable, and wireless companies under the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and establish a Federal Court of Commerce to hear appeals regarding Interstate Commerce Commission rulings |
61st | 36 Stat. 822-824 | Publicity of Campaign Contributions Act | Jun 25, 1910 | Require candidates for the House of Representatives to report campaign contributions greater than $10 |
61st | 36 Stat. 825-827 | White-Slave Trade Act (Mann Act) | Jun 25, 1910 | Prohibit transportation of women across state lines for immoral purposes |
61st | 36 Stat. 961-963 | Weeks Act | Mar 1, 1911 | Authorize interstate compacts for forest and water supply conservation, establish Federal grants to States for the prevention of forest fires in watersheds of navigable rivers, and grant States a percentage of proceeds from national forests within their boundaries to be used for schools and roads |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
62nd | 37 Stat. 512-518 | Alaska Organic Act | Aug 24, 1912 | Establish the Territory of Alaska as an unincorporated territory of the U.S. |
62nd | 37 Stat. 699-700 | Webb-Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act | Mar 1, 1913 | Prohibit interstate shipping of liquor into States where sale of liquor is illegal |
62nd | 37 Stat. 701-703 | Physical Valuation Act | Mar 1, 1913 | Empower the Interstate Commerce Commission to analyze railroad property to establish cost and physical valuation as a basis for rate making and the fixing of a reasonable profit |
62nd | 37 Stat. 736-738 | Department of Labor Establishment | Mar 4, 1913 | Separate the Department of Commerce and Labor into two Cabinet level departments and establish U.S. Board of Mediation and Conciliation |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
63rd | 38 Stat. 114-202 | Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act | Oct 3, 1913 | Lower customs duties, authorize the President to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements, establish anti-dumping measures, and impose a one percent tax on incomes above $42,000 and a graduated one to six percent tax on incomes of $20,000 and above |
63rd | 38 Stat. 251-275 | Federal Reserve Bank Act | Dec 23, 1913 | Provide for the designation of Federal Reserve Bank cities, and establish the Federal Reserve Board |
63rd | 38 Stat. 372-375 | Smith-Lever Act | May 8, 1914 | Establish an agricultural extension work system based on cooperation between the Department of Agriculture and the land grant colleges |
63rd | 38 Stat. 717-724 | Federal Trade Commission Act | Sep 26, 1914 | Prohibit unfair competition in interstate commerce and establish the Federal Trade Commission |
63rd | 38 Stat. 730-740 | Clayton Antitrust Act | Oct 15, 1914 | Prohibit certain forms of price discrimination, certain inter-corporate stock holdings and interlocking directorates; provide remedies for parties injured by monopolistic practices; and declare strikes and boycotts to be legal |
63rd | 38 Stat. 745-764 | War Revenue Act of 1914 | Oct 22, 1914 | Increase certain internal taxes, including taxes on liquor and tobacco |
63rd | 38 Stat. 800-803 | Creation of U.S. Coast Guard | Jan 28, 1915 | Combine the Revenue Cutter Service and the Life Saving Service to create the U.S. Coast Guard |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
64th | 39 Stat. 166-217 | National Defense Act | Jun 3, 1916 | Provide for reorganization of the armed forces in peace-time, provide for reserve officers trainings corps at colleges and universities, authorize the construction of a plant for the production of nitrates and munitions, establish a signal corps, and provide for the purchase and maintenance of airships |
64th | 39 Stat. 355-359 | Rural Post Roads Act | Jul 11, 1916 | Authorize Federal aid to States for the construction of roads over which the U.S. mails could be transported |
64th | 39 Stat. 360-384 | Federal Farm Loan Bank Act | Jul 17, 1916 | Establish a Federal land bank system to be administered by a Federal Farm Loan Board |
64th | 39 Stat. 486-493 | Warehouse Act | Aug 11, 1916 | Authorize licensed and bonded warehouses to issue receipts against certain agricultural commodities that are negotiable as delivery orders or as collateral for loans |
64th | 39 Stat. 535-536 | Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations | Aug 25, 1916 | Establish the Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations |
64th | 39 Stat. 545-556 | Jones Act (Organic Act of the Philippine Islands) | Aug 29, 1916 | Declare that it was the intention of the U.S. people to provide a more autonomous government for the Philippines and eventually grant independence |
64th | 39 Stat. 675-676 | Keating-Owen Child Labor Act | Sep 1, 1916 | Prohibit the interstate shipment of the products of child labor and establish minimum age and hours laws |
64th | 39 Stat. 721-722 | Adamson Act | Sep 3, 5, 1916 | Establish an 8-hour work day and time-and-a half for overtime on interstate railroads |
64th | 39 Stat. 728-738 | Shipping Act | Sep 7, 1916 | Establish the U.S. Shipping Board empowered to acquire vessels through the Emergency Fleet Corp. |
64th | 39 Stat. 874-898 | Immigration Act | Feb 5, 1917 | Restrict immigration of Asian laborers, and require immigrants to pass a literacy test preceding admission to the U.S. |
64th | 39 Stat. 929-936 | Smith-Hughes Act | Feb 23, 1917 | Establish the Federal Board of Vocational Education |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
65th | 40 Stat. 1 | Declaration of a State of War with Germany | Apr 6, 1917 | Proclaim that a state of war exists with Germany |
65th | 40 Stat. 35-37 | Liberty Loan Act | Apr 24, 1917 | Authorize a bond issue for costs of war and authorize loans to Allies |
65th | 40 Stat. 76-83 | Selective Service Act | May 18, 1917 | Require registration and classification for military service of all men between the ages of 21 and 30, and provide for selection by lottery of physically fit registrants for military service |
65th | 40 Stat. 217-231 | Espionage Act | Jun 15, 1917 | Establish severe penalties for treasonable and disloyal activities against the interests of Government |
65th | 40 Stat. 276-287 | Lever Food and Fuel Control Act | Aug 10, 1917 | Authorize the President to fix prices and to place controls on output and consumption, and prohibit the importation and manufacture of distilled spirits for the duration of the war |
65th | 40 Stat. 300-338 | War Revenue Act | Oct 3, 1917 | Increase corporate and personal income taxes and establish excise, excess-profit, and luxury taxes |
65th | 40 Stat. 411-426 | Trading With the Enemy Act | Oct 6, 1917 | Prohibit commercial activity with enemy nations or their associates, authorize the President to place an embargo on imports, authorize censorship of any material passing between the U.S. and any foreign nation, establish a custodian of alien property, and establish a War Trade Board with power to license imports and exports to facilitate U.S. trade and hamper enemy trade |
65th | 40 Stat. 1729-1733 | Declaration of a State of War With Austria-Hungary | Dec 11, 1917 | Proclaim that a state of war exists with Austria-Hungary |
65th | 40 Stat. 450-451 | Daylight Standard Time Act | Mar 19, 1918 | Establish standard time zones and establish daylight savings time from Mar to Oct to conserve electric energy |
65th | 40 Stat. 451-458 | Railroad Control Act | Mar 21, 1918 | Place the management of all railroads under Federal control |
65th | 40 Stat. 506-515 | War Finance Corporation Act | Apr 5, 1918 | Establish a War Finance Corp. with power to lend to banks to cover loans made to war industries and to lend to persons and corporations engaged in business necessary to the prosecution of war |
65th | 40 Stat. 516-518 | Webb-Pomerene Export Trade Act | Apr 10, 1918 | Provide exporters to establish associations to facilitate export trade without being liable for violation of antitrust laws |
65th | 40 Stat. 533-534 | Sabotage Act | Apr 20, 1918 | Establish penalties for disruption of activities related to national defense |
65th | 40 Stat. 553-554 | Sedition Act | May 16, 1918 | Establish severe penalties for making or conveying false statements interfering with the prosecution of war, and for willfully uttering, printing, writing or publishing any language disloyal to our form of Government, the Constitution or the armed forces |
65th | 40 Stat. 755-757 | Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 | Jul 3, 1918 | Implement the 1916 Convention Between the U.S. and Great Britain (for Canada) for the Protection of Migratory Birds |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
66th | 41 Stat. 305-323 | National Prohibition Act (Volstead Act) | Oct 28, 1919 | Authorize the commissioner of Internal Revenue to enforce the 18th constitutional amendment prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transportation of liquor |
66th | 41 Stat. 437-451 | Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 | Feb 25, 1920 | Establish a leasing system for acquisition of coal, oil and other mineral deposits |
66th | 41 Stat. 456-499 | Transportation Act of 1920 (Esch-Cummins Transportation Act) | Feb 28, 1920 | Establish a Railroad Labor Board for the adjustment of labor disputes, return the railroads from Federal to private control, and exempt railroads form antitrust laws |
66th | 41 Stat. 988-1008 | Jones Merchant Marine Act | Jun 5, 1920 | Repeal emergency war legislation relating to U.S. shipping, reorganize the U.S. shipping Board, and authorize the sale of government ships to private operators |
66th | 41 Stat. 1063-1077 | Federal Water Power Act | Jun 10, 1920 | Create a Federal Power Commission authorized to regulate waterways on public lands and navigable streams, and to license the use of dam sites for electric power |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
67th | 42 Stat. 5-7 | First Immigration Quota Act | May 19, 1921 | Establish immigration quotas based on nationality |
67th | 42 Stat. 20-27 | National Budget and Accounting Act | Jun 10, 1921 | Establish a Budget Bureau in the Department of Treasury to formulate and oversee budget expenditures, and establish a General Accounting Office to carry out independent audits of Government accounts |
67th | 42 Stat. 147-157 | Establishment of Veterans' Bureau | Aug 9, 1921 | Establish the Veterans' Bureau as an independent agency |
67th | 42 Stat. 159-169 | Packers and Stockyards Act | Aug 15, 1921 | Prohibit unfair practices, including manipulation and control of prices, that create a monopoly or restraint of trade in livestock, poultry, and dairy industries |
67th | 42 Stat. 187-191 | Future Trading Act | Aug 24, 1921 | Establish procedures to regulate grain futures markets in order to prevent market manipulation and monopolistic practices |
67th | 42 Stat. 224-226 | Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Act | Nov 23, 1921 | Provide Federal aid to States to promote welfare and hygiene of mothers and infants |
67th | 42 Stat. 388-389 | Capper-Volstead Cooperative Marketing Act | Feb 18, 1922 | Exempt agricultural associations and cooperatives from anti-trust laws to allow cooperative buying and selling by farmers |
67th | 42 Stat 1021-1022 | Cable Act | Sep 22, 1922 | Provide that a woman would no longer lose her citizenship if she married an alien or automatically gain her citizenship if she married a U.S. citizen |
67th | 42 Stat 1454-1482 | Agricultural Credits Act | Mar 4, 1923 | Authorize the creation of Intermediate Credit Banks authorized to make agricultural loans against land, crops, and livestock |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
68th | 43 Stat. 121-131 | Soldiers’ Bonus Bill | May 19, 1924 | Authorize bonuses for World War I veterans |
68th | 43 Stat. 140-146 | Rogers Foreign Service Act | May 24, 1924 | Reorganize diplomatic and consular services |
68th | 43 Stat. 153-169 | Immigration Quota Act | May 26, 1924 | Lower the annual immigration quota for all nationalities |
68th | 43 Stat. 253 | Native-born American Indians Made Citizens | Jun 2, 1924 | Grants citizenship to all non-citizen Indians born in the U.S. |
68th | 43 Stat. 1070-1074 | Federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1925 | Feb 28, 1925 | Limit campaign expenditures by candidates for the House of Representative and the Senate |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
69th | 44 Stat. 9-131 | Revenue Act of 1926 | Feb 26, 1926 | Reduce personal income and inheritance taxes, abolish numerous excise taxes, and increase taxes on corporations |
69th | 44 Stat. 577-587 | Railway Labor Act | May 20, 1926 | Abolish the Railroad Labor Board and establish the Board of mediation to mediate disputes between railroad employees and employers |
69th | 44 Stat. 568-576 | Air Commerce Act | May 20, 1926 | Establish the Air Commerce Bureau within the Department of Commerce with jurisdiction over civil aviation safety |
69th | 44 Stat. 630-635 | Public Buildings Act | May 25, 1926 | Authorize construction of Federal buildings, including buildings in D.C. |
69th | 44 Stat. 1162-1174 | Radio Control Act | Feb 23, 1927 | Establish the Federal Radio Commission empowered to issue and revoke radio licenses |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
71st | 46 Stat. 11-19 | Agricultural Marketing Act | Jun 15, 1929 | Establish the Federal Farm Board to promote the marketing of farm commodities through agricultural cooperatives and stabilization corporations |
71st | 46 Stat. 590-763 | Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act | Jun 17, 1930 | Increase duties on imported agricultural products and reorganize the Tariff Commission |
71st | 46 Stat. 991-1002 | Veterans' Administration Act | Jul 3, 1930 | Establish the Veterans Administration empowered to administer all Federal veterans programs |
71st | 46 Stat. 1508 | National Anthem | Mar 3, 1931 | Designated Francis Scott Key's "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the U.S. national anthem |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
72nd | 47 Stat. 5-12 | Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act | Jan 22, 1932 | Create the Reconstruction Finance Corp. with authority to issue tax-exempt bonds and to extend credit to provide emergency financing for banking institutions, life insurance companies, farm mortgage associations, building and loan corporations, and other businesses |
72nd | 47 Stat. 56-57 | Glass-Steagall Act of 1932 | Feb 27, 1932 | Authorize the sale of Government gold to provide for industrial and business needs and provide the Federal Reserve System with more flexibility in discounting commercial paper |
72nd | 47 Stat. 709-724 | Emergency Relief and Construction Act | Jul 21, 1932 | Extend the scope and functions of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. |
72nd | 47 Stat. 725-741 | Federal Home Loan Bank Act | Jul 22, 1932 | Establish the Home Loan Bank Board and System |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
73rd | 48 Stat. 1-7 | Emergency Banking Relief Act | Mar 9, 1933 | Provide the President with broad discretionary powers over transactions in credit, current, gold, and silver, including foreign exchange; require Federal Reserve Banks to be licensed by Department of Treasury; and prohibit ownership or export of gold |
73rd | 48 Stat. 8-16 | Economy Act | Mar 20, 1933 | Reduce Federal employee salaries, reduce veterans benefits, and reorganize Federal agencies to achieve economies |
73rd | 48 Stat. 16-20 | Beer-Wine Revenue Act | Mar 22, 1933 | Legalize wine, beer, and ale and levy a tax per barrel |
73rd | 48 Stat. 22-23 | Civilian Conservation Corps | Mar 31, 1933 | Establish the Civilian Conservation Corps to create conservation-related jobs for unemployed citizens |
73rd | 48 Stat. 31-54 | Agricultural Adjustment Act | May 12, 1933 | Create the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) control surplus crops to stabilize farm prices |
73rd | 48 Stat. 55-58 | Federal Emergency Relief Act | May 12, 1933 | Create the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to aid State and local programs providing relief to the poor and hungry |
73rd | 48 Stat. 58-72 | Tennessee Valley Authority | May 18, 1933 | Establish the Tennessee Valley Authority as an independent public corporation to construct dams and power plants, develop rural electrification plans for flood and erosion control, and build recreation areas in the Tennessee River Valley area |
73rd | 48 Stat. 74-95 | Federal Securities Act | May 27, 1933 | Establish requirements for the registration of new issue securities with the Federal trade Commission |
73rd | 48 Stat. 112-113 | Gold Standard Repeal | Jun 5, 1933 | Cancel the gold clause in all Federal and private obligations and provide that all contracts and debts be payable in legal tender |
73rd | 48 Stat. 113-117 | National Employment System Act | Jun 6, 1933 | Establish a national system of employment services |
73rd | 48 Stat. 128-135 | Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933 | Jun 13, 1933 | Establish the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to refinance home mortgage debts for non-farm homeowners |
73rd | 48 Stat. 162-195 | Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act of 1933) | Jun 16, 1933 | Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to guarantee individual bank deposits, permit branch banking, provide regulatory separation of deposit banking from investment affiliates, and expand the membership of the Federal Reserve System |
73rd | 48 Stat. 195-211 | National Industrial Recovery Act | Jun 16, 1933 | Establish the National Industrial Recovery Administration; to empower the President to prescribe anti-trust-exempt fair trade codes for industries and to make agreements or approve voluntary agreements; to guarantee the right of working men to organize and bargain collectively through representatives; and to create the Public Works Administration empowered to administer the construction of huge public works projects to stimulate the economy |
73rd | 48 Stat. 337-344 | Gold Reserve Act of 1934 | Jan 30, 1934 | Authorize the President to set limits for the devaluation of the dollar in relation to its gold content and to impound in the Treasury gold stocks held by the Federal reserve Banks |
73rd | 48 Stat. 344-349 | Farm Mortgage Refinancing Act | Jan 31, 1934 | Establish the Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. to provide for the refinancing of farm debts on favorable terms |
73rd | 48 Stat. 456-465 | Tydings-McDuffie Philippines Independence Act | Mar 24, 1934 | Provide for the independence of the Philippine Islands, contingent upon Philippine adoption of a constitution |
73rd | 48 Stat. 798-803 | Municipal Bankruptcy Act | May 24, 1934 | Establish a uniform U.S. system of bankruptcy |
73rd | 48 Stat. 881-909 | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 | Jun 6, 1934 | Establish the Securities and Exchange commission empowered to regulate securities and securities markets |
73rd | 48 Stat. 984-988 | Indian Reorganization Act | Jun 18, 1934 | Prohibit further allotment of Indian lands to individuals, and establish programs to encourage reservation life and develop tribal government |
73rd | 48 Stat. 1064-1105 | Communications Act of 1934 | Jun 19, 1934 | Establish the Federal Communications Commission empowered to regulate telegraph, cable and radio communications |
73rd | 48 Stat. 1178-1181 | Silver Purchase Act of 1934 | Jun 19, 1934 | Authorize the President to increase the monetary value of the Treasury’s silver holdings |
73rd | 48 Stat. 1246-1265 | National Housing Act | Jun 27, 1934 | Create the Federal Housing Administration empowered to insure loans made by banks, trust companies, building and loan associations, and other private lending institutions for new construction, repairs, alterations, and improvements |
73rd | 48 Stat. 1275-1281 | Tobacco Control Act | Jun 28, 1934 | Authorize a compulsory production quota system for tobacco planters who did not agree to crop reduction |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
74th | 49 Stat. 163-164 | Soil Conservation Act | Apr 27, 1935 | Establish the Soil Conservation Service within the Department of Agriculture for the control and prevention of soil erosion |
74th | 49 Stat. 449-457 | Wagner-Connery National Labor Relations Act | Jul 5, 1935 | Create a National Labor Relations Board empowered to determine appropriate collective bargaining units subject to elections supervised at the request of workers, to certify the duly chosen trade union, to receive testimony about unfair employer practices, and to issue cease and desist orders |
74th | 49 Stat. 543-567 | Motor Carrier Act | Aug 9, 1935 | Authorize the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate buses engaged in interstate commerce |
74th | 49 Stat. 620-648 | Social Security Act | Aug 14, 1935 | Create the Social Security Board and establish a national system of social insurance, including old-age pensions |
74th | 49 Stat. 803-863 | Wheeler-Rayburn Public Utility Holding Company Act | Aug 26, 1935 | Authorize the Federal Power Commission and the Federal Trade Commission to regulate interstate transmission of electric power and gas |
74th | 49 Stat. 967-974 | Wagner-Crosser Railroad Retirement Act | Aug 29, 1935 | Establish a retirement system for railroad employees |
74th | 49 Stat. 1014-1028 | Revenue Act of 1935 | Aug 30, 1935 | Increase income and estate tax rates for wealthier individual and corporate taxpayers |
74th | 49 Stat. 1081-1085 | Neutrality Act | Aug 31, 1935 | Prohibit the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to belligerent countries |
74th | 49 Stat. 1807-1877 | Virgin Islands Organic Act | Jun 22, 1936 | Provide for limited self-government for the Virgin Islands |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
75th | 50 Stat. 522-533 | Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act | Jul 22, 1937 | Establish a Farm Security Administration to provide low-interest 40-year mortgages to sharecroppers and others who would ordinarily not be able to afford a farm |
75th | 50 Stat. 693-694 | Miller-Tydings Enabling Act | Aug 17, 1937 | Amend Federal antitrust laws to legalize contracts made by producers or distributors for the resale price maintenance of branded nationally advertised goods traded in interstate commerce in States where such contracts, authorized by State laws, were illegal under existing Federal laws |
75th | 50 Stat. 888-899 | Wagner-Steagall National Housing Act | Sep 1, 1937 | Create the U.S. Housing Authority within the Department of the Interior, authorized to extend low-interest 60-year loans to local public agencies meeting at least 10 percent of the cost of slum clearance and housing projects, and to grant subsidies for setting rents geared to low-income levels in areas where local agencies provide an amount equal up to 25 percent of the Federal grant |
75th | 50 Stat. 917-919 | Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson Act) | Sep 2, 1937 | Provide Federal aid to States for game and non-game wildlife restoration work, and for the development of comprehensive fish and wildlife management plans |
75th | 52 Stat. 31-77 | Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 | Feb 16, 1938 | Authorize Department of Agriculture to fix a marketing quota whenever it was determined that the surplus of any export arm commodity was great enough to threaten the price level, authorize acreage allotments to each grower after two-thirds of the farmers had by referendum expressed their approval of the marketing quota, and authorize the Government to lend money to farmers against surplus crops and to store these crops until they could be sold in a year when production was down and prices up |
75th | 52 Stat. 401-403 | Naval Expansion Act | May 17, 1938 | Authorize expansion of the U.S. Navy in order to be able to build a "2-ocean" navy over the ensuing 10 years |
75th | 52 Stat. 809-821 | Work Relief and Public Works Appropriation Act of 1938 | Jun 21, 1938 | Provide loans and grants for work relief, public building construction projects, and rural electrification |
75th | 52 Stat. 1040-1059 | Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act | Jun 25, 1938 | Prohibit misbranding of products, and require manufacturers of foods, drugs, and cosmetics to list their ingredients on product labels |
75th | 52 Stat. 1060-1069 | Fair Labor Standards Act | Jun 25, 1938 | Establish a minimum wage of 25 cents an hour (which was to gradually increase to 40 cents an hour after seven years), and a maximum work week of 44 hours for the first year and 40 hours thereafter |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
76th | 53 Stat. 1147-1149 | Hatch Act | Aug 2, 1939 | Prohibit Federal employees from using official authority for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the election or the nomination of any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Senator, Representative, and Delegate or Commissioner from Territories or insular possessions; from actively participating in political campaigns; and from soliciting or accepting contributions from work relief employees |
76th | 54 Stat. 4-12 | Neutrality Act of 1939 | Nov 4, 1939 | Repeal the arms embargo clause of the Neutrality Act of 1937 to allow belligerents to purchase armaments in the U.S. providing they pay cash and used their own ships for transportation |
76th | 54 Stat. 670-676 | Alien Registration Act (Smith Act) | Jun 28, 1940 | Require all foreigners to register and be fingerprinted, and make it unlawful to be a member of any organization that advocates the overthrow of the Government by force or violence |
76th | 54 Stat. 885-897 | Burke-Wadsworth Selective Service Training Act | Sep 16, 1940 | Provide for the registration of all men between 21 and 35 years of age for military service, and provide for their training over a one-year period |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
77th | 55 Stat. 31-33 | Lend-Lease Act | Mar 11, 1941 | Enable any country whose defense the President deems vital to the U.S. to receive arms and other equipment and supplies by sale, transfer, exchange, or lease |
77th | 55 Stat. 764-765 | Repeal of Certain Sections of the Neutrality Act of 1939 | Nov 17, 1941 | Permit U.S. merchant ships to be armed and carry cargoes to warring nations |
77th | 55 Stat. 795 | Declaration of a State of War with Japan | Dec 8, 1941 | Declare that a state of war exists between the U.S. and Japan, and authorize the deployment of the naval and military forces of the U.S. and the resources of the Government to carry on the war and bring it to a successful termination |
77th | 55 Stat. 796 | Declaration of a State of War with Germany | Dec 11, 1941 | Declare that a state of war exists between the U.S. and Germany, and authorize the deployment of the naval and military forces of the U.S. and the resources of the Government to carry on the war and bring it to a successful termination |
77th | 55 Stat. 797 | Declaration of a State of War With Italy | Dec 11, 1941 | Declare that a state of war exists between the U.S. and Italy, and authorize the deployment of the naval and military forces of the U.S. and the resources of the Government to carry on the war and bring it to a successful termination |
77th | 55 Stat. 838-841 | First War Powers Act | Dec 18, 1941 | Provide the President with authority to redistribute functions, duties, and powers of executive departments, commissions, bureaus, agencies, and governmental corporations, offices, and officers; to enter into contracts without regard to designated provisions of law; and to investigate, regulate, or prohibit any transactions in foreign exchange, coins, or exports |
77th | 55 Stat. 844-847 | New Selective Service Act | Dec 20, 1941 | Provide that all men between the ages of 18 and 65 must register, and all men from 20 to 45 be subject to military training and service |
77th | 56 Stat. 23-37 | Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 | Jan 30, 1942 | Establish the Office of Price Administration with power to fix price ceilings on all commodities (except farm products) and to control rents in defense-related areas |
77th | 56 Stat. 176-187 | Second War Powers Act | Mar 27, 1942 | Authorize the President to allocate materials and facilities as necessary for U.S. defense, and grant additional powers to several Federal agencies |
77th | 56 Stat. 278-282 | Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Act | May 14, 1942 | Created the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) for noncombatant service with the Army |
77th | 56 Stat. 1018-1019 | Teenage Draft Act | Nov 13, 1942 | Make 18- and 19-year old males eligible for the draft |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
78th | 57 Stat. 163-169 | Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act | Jun 25, 1943 | Broaden the President's power to place firms necessary to the war effort under the control of the Government, make it illegal for a union to strike any war industry, require unions in plants not essential to the war effort to observe a 30-day cooling-off period before they call a strike, and outlaw monetary contributions by unions to political campaigns and candidates |
78th | 58 Stat. 136-149 | Soldier Vote Act | Apr 1, 1944 | Authorize absentee voting in time of war by members of the armed services |
78th | 58 Stat. 284-301 | Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (G.I. Bill) | Jun 22, 1944 | Authorize the Veterans Administration to assist veterans of World War II in adjusting to the conditions of civilian life through the provision of academic training, Federal loans, employment programs, and medical assistance |
78th | 58 Stat. 765-784 | Surplus Property Act of 1944 | Oct 3, 1944 | Establish a three-member board to supervise the disposal of surplus Government property through transfer or sale at fair market value, and assign preferences in acquiring such property to other Federal agencies, State and local governments, nonprofit educational institutions, veterans, and small businesses |
78th | 58 Stat. 785-792 | War Mobilization and Reconversion Act | Oct 3, 1944 | Centralize responsibility for contract settlement, surplus disposal, and redeployment programs in the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, and authorize interest-free loans or advances to State and local governments to help finance the planning of public works |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
79th | 59 Stat. 512-517 | Bretton Woods Agreements Act | Jul 31, 1945 | Provide for U.S. participation in the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
79th | 59 Stat. 619-621 | United Nations Participation Act of 1945 | Dec 20, 1945 | Provide for appointment of U.S. representatives to the UN |
79th | 60 Stat. 23-26 | Employment Act of 1946 | Feb 20, 1946 | Establish the President's Council of Economic Advisers and the Joint Economic Committee |
79th | 60 Stat. 170-180 | Federal Airport Act | May 13, 1946 | Authorize matching Federal grants to cities and States for construction of airports |
79th | 60 Stat. 230-234 | National School Lunch Act of 1946 | Jun 4, 1946 | Authorize Federal grants to States for non-profit school lunch programs in public and private schools |
79th | 60 Stat. 535 | British Loan Act | Jul 15, 1946 | Authorized a loan to assist Great Britain in removing trade and currency exchange restrictions hampering post-war programs for economic reconstruction and trade liberalization |
79th | 60 Stat. 754-755 | Fulbright Scholars Act | Aug 1, 1946 | Establish an international educational and cultural exchange program |
79th | 60 Stat. 755-775 | Atomic Energy Act | Aug 1, 1946 | Transfer control over all aspects of atomic energy development from the War Department to a five-member civilian Atomic Energy Commission appointed by the President to administer research, production, control, and military application of atomic energy |
79th | 60 Stat. 812-852 | Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (includes the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act) | Aug 2, 1946 | Reduce the number of standing committees from 48 to 19 in the House and from 35 to 15 in the Senate, provide for preparation of an annual legislative budget to complement the President's budget, increase the salaries of Senators and Representatives, and require lobbyists to register and report their lobbying expenses |
79th | 60 Stat. 1040-1049 | Hospital Survey and Construction Act | Aug 13, 1946 | Authorize a program of matching State and local grants for hospital construction |
79th | 60 Stat. 1049-1056 | Indian Claims Commission Act | Aug 13, 1946 | Establish an Indian Claims Commission to consider the claims of those Indian tribes who felt they had received unfair treatment in land transactions with the Federal government |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
80th | 61 Stat. 103-105 | Greek-Turkish Aid Act | May 22, 1947 | Provide financial and military aid to the governments of Greece and Turkey, both of which were then engaged in defending heavy Soviet encroachments |
80th | 61 Stat. 125-128 | Foreign Relief Act | May 31, 1947 | Provide economic assistance to several countries, including Austria, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Poland, Trieste, and China, damaged by the effects of World War II and the severe winter of 1946-1947 |
80th | 61 Stat. 136-162 | Taft-Hartley Labor-Management Relations Act | Jun 23, 1947 | Prohibit closed shops, jurisdictional strikes, and secondary boycotts; provide for a 60-day moratorium before a strike can be called against industries engaged in interstate commerce; require that union finances be made public; prohibit unions from contributing to political campaigns; and prohibit Communists from holding union offices |
80th | 61 Stat. 380-381 | Presidential Succession Act | Jul 18, 1947 | Change the order of succession in the event of the death of the President of the United States, making the Speaker of the House of Representatives and then the President pro tempore of the Senate next in the line of succession to the Presidency after the Vice President |
80th | 61 Stat. 397 | Trusteeship Agreement for the Territory of the Pacific Islands | July, 18, 1947 | Authorize the President to approve a trusteeship agreement between the U.S. and the UN Security Council, placing Micronesia in the international trustee system |
80th | 61 Stat. 495-510 | National Security Act | Jul 26, 1947 | Replace the War and Navy Departments with a National Military Establishment consisting of separately administered Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force under the general direction, authority, and control of a Secretary of Defense; designate the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the principal military advisers to the President and the Secretary; and establish the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council |
80th | 62 Stat. 6-14 | U.S. Information and Education Exchange Act (Smith-Mundt Act) | Jan 27, 1948 | Establish an information service, including the Voice of America within the State Department to disseminate information about the U.S.; and create an educational exchange service to cooperate with other nations in exchanging people, knowledge, and skills |
80th | 62 Stat. 137-159 | Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 (Marshall Plan) | Apr 3, 1948 | Create a European Recovery Program and establish the Economic Cooperation Administration to provide economic assistance to 16 European countries |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
81st | 63 Stat. 413-444 | Housing Act of 1949 | Jul 15, 1949 | Establish a national housing objective and authorize Federal aid for slum-clearance, low-rent public housing projects, and construction of decent, safe, and sanitary farm dwellings |
81st | 63 Stat. 578-592 | National Security Act Amendments of 1949 | Aug 10, 1949 | Rename and reorganize the National Military Defense Establishment to create an executive Department of Defense |
81st | 63 Stat. 714-721 | Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 | Oct 6, 1949 | Provide for U.S. participation in NATO, and extend provisions of the Marshall Plan |
81st | 63 Stat. 910-920 | Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1949 | Oct 26, 1949 | Raise the minimum wage and revise various fair labor standards |
81st | 64 Stat. 149-157 | National Science Foundation Act | May 10, 1950 | Establish the National Science Foundation, authorized and directed to develop and encourage the pursuit of a national policy for the promotion of scientific research and education of future scientists |
81st | 64 Stat. 198-210 | Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950 | Jun 5, 1950 | Authorize various foreign aid programs, including the Point IV program providing for technical assistance and capital investments in less developed countries |
81st | 64 Stat. 384-393 | Organic Act of Guam | Aug 1, 1950 | Grant U.S. citizenship to the inhabitants of Guam and provide Guam with a system of local self-government |
81st | 64 Stat. 430-443 | Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Act (Dingell-Johnson Act) | Aug 9, 1950 | Provide Federal aid to States for management and restoration of fish with sport or recreation value in the marine or fresh waters of the U.S. |
81st | 64 Stat. 477-561 | Social Security Amendments of 1950 | Aug 28, 1950 | Extend and improve the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System and revise the public assistance and child welfare provisions of the Social Security Act |
81st | 64 Stat. 987-1031 | McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 (including the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 and the Emergency detention Act of 1950) | Sep 23, 1950 | Establish the Subversive Activities Control Board to rule on petitions of U.S. Attorney General to list organizations believed to be Communist and require that they register with the Justice Department and submit information concerning membership, finances and activities; require registration of Communist and Communist-front organization members; provide for the internment of Communists during national emergencies, and prohibit employment of Communists in national defense work; and prohibit from entry into the U.S. anyone who has been a member of a totalitarian party |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
82nd | 65 Stat. 69-71 | India Emergency Food Aid Act | Jun 15, 1951 | Authorize the President to provide loans to famine-stricken India for the purchase of U.S. grain |
82nd | 65 Stat. 644-647 | Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 | Oct 26, 1951 | Provide for mandatory termination of aid to any country found to be shipping arms or munitions to Soviet-dominated areas |
82nd | 66 Stat. 141-151 | Mutual Security Act of 1952 | Jun 20, 1952 | Extend military and economic assistance to non-Communist countries in Near East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America |
82nd | 66 Stat. 163-282 | McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act | Jun 27, 1952 | Continue the national origins quota system, but eliminate the exclusion of Asians; and tighten provisions for the exclusion of aliens believed to be dangerous to the U.S. |
82nd | 66 Stat. 327-328 | Approval of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico | Jul 3, 1952 | Provide for approval of the new constitution drafted by Puerto Rico and elevate the status of the island to the status of a free commonwealth voluntarily associated with the U.S. |
82nd | 66 Stat. 663-691 | Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 (G.I. Bill of Rights) | Jul 16, 1952 | Provide veterans of the Korean War with home, farm, and business loan benefits, mustering out payments, and educational and vocational assistance |
82nd | 66 Stat. 692-710 | Federal Coal Mine Safety Act Amendments | Jul 16, 1952 | Authorize the Bureau of Mines to order unsafe mines with 15 or more employees that are threatened with imminent disaster from fire, explosion, flooding, or cave-in to shut down until made safe |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
83rd | 67 Stat. 631-632 | Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | Apr 11, 1953 | Establish the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and include the Social Security Administration, the Office of Education, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation within the new department |
83rd | 67 Stat. 29-33 | Submerged Lands ("Tidelands") Act | May 22, 1953 | Confirm and establish that the U.S. owns the submerged lands in the sea off its borders and the mineral resources of such lands, and confirm the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Government over the natural resources of the seabed beyond the submerged lands as far as the edge of the continental shelf |
83rd | 67 Stat. 230-240 | Small Business Administration Act | Jul 30, 1953 | Dissolve the Reconstruction Finance Corp. and establish as a successor organization, the Small Business Administration |
83rd | 67 Stat. 390-400 | Farm Credit Act of 1953 | Aug 6, 1953 | Remove the Farm Credit Administration from the Agriculture Department and make it an independent agency, to be governed by a 13-member Farm Credit Board |
83rd | 67 Stat. 400-407 | Refugee Relief Act of 1953 | Aug 7, 1953 | Authorize the admission to the U.S. of 209,000 refugees not provided for by the regular quotas |
83rd | 67 Stat. 462-471 | Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act | Aug 7, 1953 | Provide for U.S. jurisdiction over the submerged lands of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands, and authorize the leasing of such lands by the Department of the Interior |
83rd | 68 Stat. 92-97 | St. Lawrence Seaway Act of 1954 | May 13, 1954 | Establish, in conjunction with the Government of Canada, the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. for the purpose of constructing the St. Lawrence Seaway at the mutual expense and for the mutual use of Canada and the U.S. |
83rd | 68 Stat. 454-459 | Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 | Jul 10, 1954 | Provide for the sale of surplus U.S. agricultural commodities to friendly foreign nations |
83rd | 86 Stat. 497-510 | Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands | Jul 22, 1954 | Reorganize the local government of the Virgin Islands |
83rd | 68 Stat. 590-648 | Housing Act of 1954 | Aug 2, 1954 | Authorize the construction of public housing units to serve families displaced by urban development, and revise various housing assistance programs |
83rd | 68A Stat. 1-928 | Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | Aug 16, 1954 | Revise tax treatment of individuals and businesses |
83rd | 68 Stat. 775-780 | Communist Control Act of 1954 | Aug 24, 1954 | Outlaw the Communist party in the U.S and prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities |
83rd | 68 Stat. 919-961 | Atomic Energy Act of 1954 | Aug 30, 1954 | Establish incentives to promote private ownership and development of atomic power, and authorize U.S. cooperation with friendly nations in development of peaceful uses of atomic power |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
84th | 69 Stat. 7 | Formosa and Pescadores Defense Act | Jan 29, 1955 | Authorize the President to employ the Armed Forces of the U.S. to protect Formosa and the Pescadores from a possible Communist Chinese attack |
84th | 69 Stat. 711-712 | Fair Labor Standards Act Amendments of 1955 | Aug 12, 1955 | Raise the minimum wage |
84th | 70 Stat. 105-111 | Upper Colorado River Project | Apr 11, 1956 | Authorize the Bureau of Reclamation to construct four major dams and 11 small irrigation projects |
84th | 70 Stat. 188-213 | Agricultural Act of 1956 | May 28, 1956 | Establish a soil bank program to retire land from production to reduce agricultural surpluses, and pay farmers to reduce crop acreage for corn, wheat, peanuts, cotton, tobacco, and rice |
84th | 70 Stat. 374-402 | Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 | Jun 29, 1956 | Authorize construction of a 41,000-mile interstate superhighway |
84th | 70 Stat. 498-507 | Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1956 | Jul 9, 1956 | Provide grants to States and localities for pollution control programs |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
85th | 71 Stat. 5-6 | Middle East Resolution | Mar 9, 1957 | Authorize the President to cooperate with and assist any nation or group of nations in the Middle East desiring assistance in developing economic and military strength dedicated to the maintenance of national independence and protection against armed aggression from a Communist-dominated country |
85th | 71 Stat. 453-456 | International Atomic Energy Participation Act of 1957 | Aug 28, 1957 | Provide for the appointment of U.S. representatives in the subsidiary bodies of the International Atomic Energy Agency |
85th | 71 Stat. 634-638 | Civil Rights Act of 1957 | Sep 9, 1957 | Create the Commission on Civil Rights, establish a Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice, and empower the Attorney General to seek court injunctions against obstruction and deprivation of voting rights |
85th | 72 Stat. 89-96 | Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1958 | Apr 16, 1958 | Authorize funding for a Federal road-building program |
85th | 72 Stat. 238-241 | Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Act | Jun 28, 1958 | Establish the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission to study the current status and needs of outdoor recreation resources |
85th | 72 Stat. 339-352 | Admission of the State of Alaska to the Union | Jul 7, 1958 | Provide for the formal acceptance of the constitution of the State of Alaska |
85th | 72 Stat. 426-438 | National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958 | Jul 29, 1958 | Create a new civilian agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, direct scientific activities relating to all non-military aspects of outer space |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
86th | 73 Stat. 4-13 | Admission of the State of Hawaii to the Union | Mar 18, 1959 | Provide for the formal ratification of the Hawaii State constitution |
86th | 73 Stat. 519-546 | Landrum-Griffin Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 | Sep 14, 1959 | Provide a "Bill of Rights" for union members which includes a guarantee that they will have "equal rights and privileges" to nominate candidates, vote for union officials, participate in union meetings and caucus with other members under "reasonable rules and regulations" established by the union |
86th | 73 Stat. 708-717 | Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 | Sep 28, 1959 | Establish a prepaid, voluntary health insurance plan for Federal employees and their families |
86th | 74 Stat. 86-92 | Civil Rights Act of 1960 | May 6, 1960 | Authorize Judges to appoint referees empowered to assist persons experiencing opposition in the exercise of their right to vote, and provide criminal penalties for bombing, bomb-threats, and mob action designed to obstruct court orders |
86th | 74 Stat. 215 | National Forests Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act | Jun 12, 1960 | Establish a formal policy that the national forests should be administered under the principles of multiple use and sustained yield with the objective of developing five basic resources: outdoor recreation resources, range resources, timber resources, watershed resources, and fish and wildlife resources |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
87th | 75 Stat. 612-627 | Peace Corps Act of 1961 | Sep 22, 1961 | Grant "permanent legislative authority" to the Peace Corps, established by executive authority in March 1961 to enlist young Americans as technological instructors and helpers in the less-developed countries |
87th | 75 Stat. 631-639 | Arms Control and Disarmament Act | Sep 26, 1981 | Establish an independent U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to conduct research, prepare policy recommendations, conduct disarmament negotiations, and plan for establishment of inspection and control systems |
87th | 76 Stat. 23-33 | Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 | Mar 15, 1962 | Authorize a new Federal worker training program to help alleviate unemployment and increase the supply of skilled personnel in certain industries |
87th | 76 Stat. 172-208 | Public Welfare Amendments of 1962 | Jul 25, 1962 | Broaden welfare aid to those people considered to be the most needy, while undertaking a campaign to reduce the need for aid through programs of rehabilitation, training, and self-care |
87th | 76 Stat. 255-263 | Foreign Assistance Act of 1962 | Aug 1, 1962 | Prohibit aid to Communist nations, countries providing items of strategic value to Cuba, and countries which permit ships under their registry to carry economic aid to Cuba, unless the President determines, among other things, that such aid was vital to U.S. security |
87th | 76 Stat. 419-427 | Communications Satellite Act of 1962 | Aug 31, 1962 | Authorize the President to establish the Communications Satellite Corporation as a private commercial communication system, and to arrange for an initial stock offering |
87th | 76 Stat. 541-544 | Public Works Acceleration Act | Sep 14, 1962 | Authorize acceleration of job-creating Federal and local public works projects in areas with long-term high unemployment |
87th | 76 Stat. 695-696 | United Nations Loan | Oct 2, 1962 | Authorize a loan to the UN, and provide that the U.S. should use every effort to promote a pattern of UN financing that would avoid future large-scale funding problems |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
88th | 77 Stat. 56-57 | Equal Pay Act of 1963 | Jun 10, 1963 | Provide that no employer subject to the Federal Labor Standards Act may discriminate on the basis of sex in payment of wages for jobs requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility |
88th | 78 Stat. 19-146 | Revenue Act of 1964 | Feb 26, 1964 | Reduce individual and corporate tax rates |
88th | 78 Stat. 241-268 | Civil Rights Act of 1964 | Jul 2, 1964 | Expand Federal powers to protect voting rights |
88th | 78 Stat. 302-308 | Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 | Jul 9, 1964 | Authorize the Housing and Home Finance Agency to make grants and loans to States and localities for acquiring, constructing and improving facilities and equipment for mass transportation systems owned, operated, leased, or otherwise used by a public transportation authority |
88th | 78 Stat. 384 | Tonkin Gulf Resolution | Aug 10, 1964 | Declare support for "the determination of the President, as Commander-in-Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression in Vietnam" |
88th | 78 Stat. 400-435 | Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964 | Aug 14, 1964 | Authorize salary increases for Federal employees in legislative, executive, and judicial branches |
88th | 78 Stat. 508-534 | Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 | Aug 20, 1964 | Authorize Office of Economic Opportunity programs to address the multiple causes of poverty, including illiteracy, unemployment and lack of public services |
88th | 78 Stat. 703-709 | Food Stamp Act of 1964 | Aug 31, 1964 | Establish the food stamp program to provide food assistance to low-income families |
88th | 78 Stat. 890-896 | Wilderness Act of 1964 | Sep 3, 1964 | Establish a National Wilderness Preservation System for land, water, mineral, and wildlife conservation purposes |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
89th | 79 Stat. 5-23 | Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 | Mar 9, 1965 | Authorize development of the economically depressed 12-State Appalachian region |
89th | 79 Stat. 27-58 | Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 | Apr 11, 1965 | Authorize elementary and secondary school assistance programs |
89th | 79 Stat. 218-226 | Older Americans Act | Jul 14, 1965 | Authorize grant programs to assist the elderly and establish the Administration on Aging within the Department of Health, Education and Welfare |
89th | 79 Stat. 226-236 | Drug Abuse Control Amendments of 1965 | July15, 1965 | Expand Federal control over depressant and stimulant drugs to reduce illegal distribution and use of barbiturates and drugs affecting the central nervous system or producing hallucinogenic effects |
89th | 79 Stat. 136-170 | Excise Tax Reduction Act of 1965 | Jun 21, 1965 | Repeal various excise taxes |
89th | 79 Stat. 286-343; 79 Stat. 343-353 | Social Security Amendments of 1965 (Medicare for the Aged and Medicaid for the Medically Needy) | Jul 30, 1965 | Establish a hospital insurance program for the elderly, and a medical care program for the indigent |
89th | 79 Stat. 437-446 | Voting Rights Act of 1965 | Aug 6, 1965 | Provide for direct Federal action to enable black Americans to register and vote, prohibit the use of literacy tests or similar voter qualification devices, and establish criminal penalties for interference with voter rights |
89th | 79 Stat. 451-509 | Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 | Aug 10, 1965 | Authorize various housing and urban development programs, provide rent supplements for low-income families, and provide grants to localities for urban beautification and improvement programs |
89th | 79 Stat. 580-581 | President and Vice President Assassination Penalties | Aug 28, 1965 | Establish Federal criminal penalties for killing, kidnapping or assaulting the President or any other Federal official |
89th | 79 Stat. 667-671 | Department of Housing and Urban Development Act | Sep 9 1965 | Establish a Cabinet level Department of Housing and Urban Development |
89th | 79 Stat. 845-855 | National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 | Sep 29, 1965 | Establish a National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities consisting of two autonomous subdivisions, a National Endowment for the Arts and a National Endowment for the Humanities |
89th | 79 Stat. 893-895 | High-Speed Ground Transportation Act | Sep 30, 1965 | Authorize the Department of Commerce to undertake research, development, and demonstration programs for high-speed ground transportation |
89th | 79 Stat. 903-910 | Water Quality Act of 1965 | Oct 2, 1965 | Require the States to establish and enforce water quality standards for all interstate waters within their boundaries and establish a Federal Water Pollution Control Administration |
89th | 79 Stat. 1028-1033 | Highway Beautification Act of 1965 | Oct 22, 1965 | Authorize a new program for the scenic development and beautification of the Federal-aid highway system |
89th | 79 Stat. 1219-1270 | Higher Education Act of 1965 | Nov 8, 1965 | Authorize college aid programs for poor and middle-class students, and establish the National Teachers Corps to improve elementary and secondary education in urban and rural areas |
89th | 80 Stat. 250-251 | Freedom of Information Act | Jul 4, 1966 | Require Federal Government to make available to citizens, upon request, all documents and records except those exempted for various reasons, including national security |
89th | 80 Stat. 731-737 | Highway Safety Act of 1966 | Sep 9, 1966 | Require that each State establish a highway safety program in accordance with uniform government standards |
89th | 80 Stat. 830-845 | Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1966 | Sep 23, 1966 | Broaden Federal minimum wage and overtime pay protection and increase the minimum wage |
89th | 80 Stat. 926-930 | National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act | Oct 15, 1966 | Direct the Department of Interior to take actions to protect endangered species of fish and wildlife |
89th | 80 Stat. 931-950 | Department of Transportation Act | Oct 15, 1966 | Establish the Department of Transportation as a Cabinet level department |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
90th | 81 Stat. 365-373 | Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 | Nov 7, 1967 | Establish a public corporation to provide financial assistance for noncommercial educational television and radio broadcasting |
90th | 81 Stat. 445-463 | Foreign Assistance Act of 1967 | Nov 14, 1967 | Reduce foreign aid, restrict the President's authority to conduct foreign policy, and prohibit all aid to countries which trade with North Vietnam |
90th | 81 Stat. 485-507 | Air Quality Control Act of 1967 | Nov 21, 1967 | Expand Federal responsibility for air pollution control, provide for the establishment of Federal interstate air quality planning agencies, and establish the President's Air Quality Advisory Board |
90th | 81 Stat. 613-648 | Postal Revenue and Federal Salary Act of 1967 | Dec 16, 1967 | Increase postal rates on all classes of mail, increase Federal employee salaries, and provide for automatic future pay increases for Federal employees |
90th | 81 Stat. 649-655 | Military Pay Bill of 1967 | Dec 16, 1967 | Increase the monthly pay of servicemen |
90th | 82 Stat. 73-92 | Civil Rights Act of 1968 | Apr 11, 1968 | Prohibit discrimination in the sale or rental housing; and provide criminal penalties for injuring or interfering with an individual's right to vote, to serve on a jury, to participate in government and government-aided programs, to work, to attend school, and to enjoy public accommodations |
90th | 82 Stat. 146-167 | Consumer Credit Protection Act (Truth in Lending Act) | May 29, 1968 | Require that buyers be told the cost of loans and installment purchase plans in terms of annual rate calculated under certain specified procedures, and the total cost in dollars; and establish a National Commission on Consumer Finance |
90th | 82 Stat. 197-239 | Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 | Jun 19, 1968 | Establish the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration within the Justice Department to administer grant programs for training, education, research, and demonstration projects; and authorize law enforcement assistance grants |
90th | 82 Stat. 251-274 | Revenue and Expenditures Control Act of 1968 | Jun 28, 1968 | Impose a 10 percent surcharge on personal and corporate income taxes |
90th | 82 Stat. 297-306 | Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1968 | Jul 7, 1968 | Enlarge the scope of vocational education to permit assistance to disadvantaged, as well as physically and mentally handicapped persons |
90th | 82 Stat. 462-474 | Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act | Jul 31, 1968 | Authorize block grants for prevention of juvenile delinquency and rehabilitation of young offenders |
90th | 82 Stat. 837-842 | Virgin Island Elective Governor Act | Aug 23, 1968 | Provide for the popular election of the governor and lieutenant governor of the Virgin Islands |
90th | 82 Stat. 842-843 | Guam Elective Governor Act | Sep 11, 1968 | Provide for the popular election of the governor and lieutenant governor of Guam |
90th | 82 Stat. 885-901 | Colorado River Basin Project Act | Sep 30, 1968 | Authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Central Arizona Project and related water projects on the Colorado River |
90th | 82 Stat. 906-918 | Wild and Scenic Rivers Act | Oct 2, 1968 | Establish a National Wild and Scenic Rivers System to preserve outstanding stretches of rivers from incompatible water resource development, pollution, or commercialization |
90th | 82 Stat. 919-926 | National Trails System Act | Oct 2, 1968 | Establish a nationwide system of scenic trails, recreational trails, and side trails |
90th | 82 Stat. 1213-1236 | Gun Control Act of 1968 | Oct 22, 1968 | Ban most interstate shipments of long guns to individuals; prohibit individuals with few exceptions from buying guns except in their own States; prohibit sale of rifles, shotguns or ammunition to persons under 18; prohibit sales of handguns or handgun ammunition to persons under 21 years of age; and prohibit importation of foreign-made military surplus firearms |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
91st | 83 Stat. 187-190 | Child Protection and Toy Safety Act of 1969 | Nov 6, 1969 | Provide a one-step regulation process for prohibiting the sale of children's articles and toys which present electrical, mechanical, or thermal hazards |
91st | 83 Stat. 487-742 | Tax Reform Act of 1969 | Dec 30, 1969 | Revise personal and corporate income tax system |
91st | 83 Stat. 852-856 | National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 | Jan 1, 1970 | Establish Council on Environmental Quality |
91st | 84 Stat. 91-115 | Federal Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970 | Apr 3, 1970 | Establish procedures and liability for clean-up of oil spills, place new controls on vessel discharge of sewage, strengthen restrictions on thermal pollution from nuclear power plants, order development of criteria covering the effect of pesticides in streams, rivers, and other waters, and establish an Office of Environmental Quality |
91st | 84 Stat. 219-253 | Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 | May 21, 1970 | Provide aid for aviation facilities, and authorize a new program for expansion of airport and airway systems |
91st | 84 Stat. 466-467 | Newspaper Preservation Act | Jul 24, 1970 | Exempt from antitrust laws certain combinations and arrangements necessary for the survival of failing newspapers |
91st | 84 Stat. 719-787 | Postal Reorganization Act | Aug 12, 1970 | Reorganize the Post Office Department and the U.S. Postal Service into an independent agency, the U.S. Postal Service |
91st | 84 Stat. 922-962 | Organized Crime Control Act | Oct 15, 1970 | Strengthen tools to facilitate law enforcement involving organized crime |
91st | 84 Stat. 1140-1204 | Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 | Oct 26, 1970 | Revise Senate and House committee procedures, and re-designate Legislative Reference Service as Congressional Research Service and redefine its duties |
91st | 84 Stat. 1236-1296 | Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 | Oct 27, 1970 | Expand programs for drug abuse rehabilitation, treatment and education, and unify and revise Federal narcotics laws |
91st | 84 Stat. 1327-1342 | Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 | Oct 30, 1970 | Provide financial assistance for establishment of the National Railroad Passenger Corp. as a semipublic corporation |
91st | 84 Stat. 1358-1384 | Agriculture Act of 1970 | Nov 30, 1970 | Establish price support programs for dairy products, wool, wheat, feed grains and cotton |
91st | 84 Stat. 1590-1620 | Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 | Dec 29, 1970 | Provide Department of Labor with authority to set and enforce safety standards for the protection of workers |
91st | 84 Stat. 1636-1657 | Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 | Dec 30, 1970 | Establish a private nonprofit Securities Investor Protection Corp. to oversee activities of registered brokers and dealers and members of national securities exchanges, and create an insurance fund to protect investors against certain losses when brokers become insolvent |
91st | 84 Stat. 1676-1713 | Clean Air Amendments of 1970 | Dec 31, 1970 | Establish specific deadlines for 90 percent reduction of certain pollutants from new automobiles, provide for new research programs, establish national air quality standards, fuel limitations, and standards for new stationary sources of pollution |
91st | 84 Stat. 2086-2089 | Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970 | Dec 2, 1970 | Consolidate all major programs to combat pollution in a single independent Environmental Protection Agency |
91st | 84 Stat. 2090-2093 | Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1970 | Oct 3, 1970 | Create a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the Commerce Department |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
92nd | 85 Stat. 178-182 | Emergency Loan Guarantee Act | Aug 9, 1971 | Authorize a Federal guarantee of up to $250 million in bank loans for the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. |
92nd | 85 Stat. 688 | Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act | Dec 18, 1971 | Settle aboriginal claims of Alaskan Indians, Aleut, and Eskimo populations |
92nd | 85 Stat. 743-755 | Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1971 | Dec 22, 1971 | Extend the President's authority to control wages, salaries, prices, and rents, and broaden the President's stabilization powers to include control of interest rates, finance charges, and corporate dividends |
92nd | 86 Stat. 3-20 | Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 | Feb 7, 1972 | Place a ceiling on the amount of money a candidate for President, Vice President, the House, or the Senate may spend for radio and television time and other forms of political advertising, and require full disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures; and restrict candidates to a maximum of 10 cents per eligible voter, or $50,000, whichever is greater, for all forms of media advertising |
92nd | 86 Stat. 1052-1063 | Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 | Oct 23, 1972 | Ban unregulated dumping of waste materials into the oceans and coastal waters, and ban ocean dumping under any circumstances of radiological, chemical or biological warfare agents or high-level radioactive water |
92nd | 80 Stat. 1207-1233 | Consumer Product Safety Act | Oct 27, 1972 | Create an independent Consumer Product Safety Commission authorized to set standards for a wide variety of consumer products |
92nd | 86 Stat. 1234-1250 | Noise Control Act of 1972 | Oct 27, 1972 | Authorize the Federal Government to set standards limiting certain commercial sources of noise |
92nd | 86 Stat. 1280-1289 | Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 | Oct 27, 1972 | Establish a national program for the management and protection of U.S. coastal waters and adjacent shoreline |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
93rd | 87 Stat. 555-560 | War Powers Resolution | Nov 7, 1973 | Limit the President's powers to commit U.S. forces abroad without congressional approval |
93rd | 87 Stat. 584-588 | Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act | Nov 16, 1973 | Direct the Department of Interior to authorize the construction of a 789-mile pipeline connecting the North Shore of Alaska with the port of Valdes |
93rd | 87 Stat. 884-903 | Endangered Species Act of 1973 | Dec 28, 1973 | Extend Federal authority to species "threatened" with extinction, in addition to those in immediate danger of becoming extinct |
93rd | 88 Stat. 55-76 | Fair Labor Standard Amendments of 1974 | Apr 8, 1974 | Increase the hourly minimum wage |
93rd | 88 Stat. 297-339 | Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 | Jul 12, 1974 | Establish House and Senate Budget Committees to study the President's budget and recommend changes in fiscal policy and spending priorities, create a Congressional Budget Office to assist the Budget Committees in studying budget information; and define procedures to provide for more congressional control over the impoundment of funds by the executive branch |
93rd | 88 Stat. 378-390 | Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 | Jul 25, 1974 | Transfer the legal services program from the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to an independent Legal Services Corp., authorized to provide legal assistance to the poor in non-criminal proceedings |
93rd | 88 Stat. 829-1035 | Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 | Sep 2, 1974 | Establish minimum Federal standards for private pension plans |
93rd | 88 Stat. 1233-1254 | Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 | Oct 11, 1974 | Create a new Energy Research and Development Administration to direct Federal research into the better use of existing fuels and the development of new sources of energy |
93rd | 88 Stat. 1845-1855 | Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 | Dec 31, 1974 | Establish an emergency program of public service jobs in State and local governments and provide unemployment insurance coverage to nearly 12 million persons not otherwise eligible |
93rd | 88 Stat. 1869-1872 | Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974 | Dec 31, 1974 | Authorize an extra 13 weeks of unemployment compensation for workers who exhaust their unemployment benefits |
93rd | 88 Stat. 1978-2076 | Trade Act of 1974 | Jan 3, 1975 | Provide the President with broad authority to enter into trade agreements with other countries for the purpose of harmonizing, reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff trade barriers |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
94th | 89 Stat. 26-67 | Tax Reduction Act of 1975 | Mar 29, 1975 | Reduce individual and corporate taxes |
94th | 89 Stat. 89 | Cambodian and Vietnamese Refugees Special Assistance Appropriation | May 23, 1975 | Appropriated funds for the resettlement of refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam |
94th | 89 Stat. 773-796 | Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 | Nov 29, 1975 | Require States to provide a free, adequate education to all handicapped children |
94th | 89 Stat. 871-969 | Energy Policy and Conservation Act | Dec 22, 1975 | Establish a national energy policy designed to maximize domestic production of energy and provide for strategic storage reserves of oil and petroleum products; minimize the impact of disruptions in energy supplies by providing for emergency standby measures; provide for a level of domestic oil prices which would both encourage production and not impede economic recovery; and reduce domestic energy consumption through voluntary and mandatory energy conservation plans. |
94th | 89 Stat. 1007-1012 | Metric Conversion Act of 1975 | Dec 23, 1975 | Establish a national policy of U.S. metric conversion and a 17-member U.S. Metric Conversion Board to assist and coordinate the voluntary conversion to the metric system of weights and measurement in the U.S. |
94th | 90 Stat. 251-255 | Equal Credit Opportunity Act Amendments of 1976 | Mar 23, 1976 | Prohibit credit discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion or national origin |
94th | 90 Stat. 263-279 | Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the U.S. | Mar 24, 1976 | Grant commonwealth status to the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific |
94th | 90 Stat. 331-361 | Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 | Apr 13, 1976 | Extend existing 12-mile exclusive U.S. fishing zone off the Nation's coasts to 200 miles |
94th | 90 Stat. 459-473 | National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 | May 11, 1976 | Establish an Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President |
94th | 90 Stat. 729-769 | International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976 | Jun 30, 1976 | Authorize congressional oversight of commercial sales of major U.S. military weapons and equipment abroad |
94th | 90 Stat. 1013-1033 | Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1976 | Jul 26, 1976 | Authorize Federal aid to coastal cities, to assist them in dealing with the effects of offshore gas and oil development |
94th | 90 Stat. 1125-1169 | Energy Conservation and Production Act | Aug 14, 1976 | Establish energy conservation standards for new buildings, a low-income family weatherization program, a loan guarantee program for commercial and industrial buildings, and a financial incentive experimentation program for existing residential buildings |
94th | 90 Stat. 1241-1248 | Government in the Sunshine Act | Sep 13, 1976 | Open the meetings of collegial or multi-member Government agencies to public scrutiny "where such deliberations determine or result in the joint conduct or disposition of official agency business" |
94th | 90 Stat. 1520-1933. | Tax Reform Act of 1976 | Oct 4, 1976 | Revise various tax laws |
94th | 90 Stat. 2541-2602 | Copyright Law Revision of 1976 | Oct 19, 1976 | Provide for a general revision of copyright law |
94th | 90 Stat. 2662-2666 | Payment in Lieu of Taxes Act | Oct 20, 1976 | Provide for annual Federal payments to local governments to compensate for tax revenues lost because of tax-exempt Federal lands within their boundaries |
94th | 90 Stat. 2949-2963 | National Forest Management Act of 1976 | Oct 22, 1976 | Give congressional sanction to the practice of clear-cutting in national forests under Federal guidelines and revise Federal forest management policy |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
95th | 91 Stat. 126-168 | Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977 | May 23, 1977 | Revise various tax laws |
95th | 91 Stat. 445-532 | Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 | Aug 3, 1977 | Establish an Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement within the Interior Department |
95th | 91 Stat. 565-613 | Department of Energy Organization Act | Aug 4, 1977 | Establish a Cabinet level Department of Energy and transfer all the functions of the Federal Energy Administration, the Energy Research and Development Administration, and the Federal Power Commission to the new department |
95th | 91 Stat. 1223-1225 | Indochinese Refugees. Permanent Residence Status, Adjustment and Refugee Assistance Extension | Oct 28, 1977 | Provide an opportunity for Indochinese refugees who fled to the U.S. after the Communist takeover of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and resided here for two years to apply for permanent resident alien status, the prelude to naturalized citizenship |
95th | 91 Stat. 1245-1253 | Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1977 | Nov 1, 1977 | Raise the Federal minimum wage rate |
95th | 92 Stat. 189-193 | Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1978 | Apr 6, 1978 | Raise the permissible mandatory retirement age for most non-Federal workers from 65 to 70 |
95th | 92 Stat. 819-842 | Federal Pesticide Act of 1978 | Sep 30, 1978 | Authorize Environmental Protection Agency to simplify registration of pesticides, and provide the public with access to information about the effect of a pesticide on human health and environment |
95th | 92 Stat. 1111-1227 | Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 | Oct 13, 1978 | Reorganize the Civil Service Commission to create a Senior Executive Service for top Federal employees, a merit pay system for middle-level management, increased management flexibility in firing incompetent employees, and statutory labor rights for Federal workers |
95th | 92 Stat. 1471-1493 | Port and Tanker Safety Act of 1978 | Oct 17, 1978 | Authorize the Secretary of Transportation to require each vessel operating in U.S. waters to have a federally licensed pilot, and bar vessels carrying oil or other hazardous material from operating in U.S. waters or transferring cargo in any U.S port unless they meet certain requirements |
95th | 92 Stat. 1685-1692 | Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 | Oct 21, 1978 | Authorize Department of Agriculture to establish U.S. Agricultural Trade Offices abroad with the sole responsibility of expanding the export of U.S. commodities, and to establish a new restricted immediate-term credit program to facilitate increased exports of U.S. agricultural commodities |
95th | 92 Stat. 1696-1702 | Inland Waterways Revenue Act of 1978 | Oct 21, 1980 | Levy a diesel fuel charge on freight traffic along the U.S. navigable inland waterway system |
95th | 92 Stat. 1705-1754 | Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 | Oct 24, 1978 | Establish procedures to encourage, develop, and attain an air transportation system that relies on competitive market forces |
95th | 92 Stat. 1824-1885 | Ethics in Government Act of 1978 | Oct 26, 1978 | Codify financial disclosure provisions of new ethic codes adopted by the House and the Senate, and apply the same disclosure requirements to the President, Vice President, Supreme Court justices and top-level employees of both the executive and judicial branch |
95th | 92 Stat. 1887-1908 | Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 | Oct 27, 1978 | Declare a national policy of promoting full employment, increased real income, balanced growth, a balanced budget, growth in productivity, an improved balance of trade, and price stability; and provide for coordination of economic policy-making to promote the goals of reducing inflation and unemployment |
95th | 92 Stat. 2076-2077 | Pregnancy, Sex Discrimination Prohibition Act of 1978 | Oct 31, 1978 | Prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and require disability and health insurance plans to cover pregnant workers |
95th | 92 Stat. 2078-2079 | Nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representative from American Samoa | Oct 31, 1978 | Provide for the election of a nonvoting delegate to the House of Representatives from American Samoa |
95th | 92 Stat. 2497-2511 | Veterans' and Survivors' Pension Improvement Act | Nov 4, 1978 | Provide a 50 percent increase in the maximum pension paid indigent war veterans who were not disabled as a result of military service, guarantee veterans a minimum annual income, and establish a new program of improved pension benefits for needy surviving spouses of wartime veterans |
95th | 92 Stat. 2523-2528 | Presidential Records Act of 1978 | Nov 4, 1978 | Provide that most Presidential records become public property at the end of the President's term in office |
95th | 92 Stat. 3117-3173 | Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 | Nov 9, 1978 | Require State utility commissions and other regulatory agencies to consider the use of energy-saving methods, such as pricing electricity lower in off-peak hours to avoid heavy loads in the middle of the day and to discontinue discounts for large volume users |
95th | 92 Stat. 3174-3205 | Energy Tax Act of 1978 | Nov 9, 1978 | Establish tax credits for homeowner expenditures related to installation of insulation and other energy-conserving improvements; establish an investment tax credit available to businesses installing specific types of energy conservation equipment; and establish tax incentives for companies producing synthetic fuels from coal or other resources |
95th | 92 Stat. 3289-3349 | Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 | Nov 9, 1978 | Require that new industrial and utility plants be built to use coal or a fuel other than oil or gas, and that existing utility plants using oil or gas convert to other fuels by 1990 |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
96th | 93 Stat. 14-21 | Taiwan Relations Act | Apr 10, 1979 | Pledge continued arm sales to the Taiwan Government and provide that the U.S. will take action in the event of an attack on Taiwan |
96th | 93 Stat. 144-317 | Trade Agreements Act of 1979 | Jul 26, 1979 | Establish a new, detailed, and substantially faster procedure for resolving complaints considered under U.S. countervailing duty law, which was designed to protect domestic industry against foreign Government subsidies on imported goods |
96th | 93 Stat. 452-500 | Panama Canal Act of 1979 | Sep 27, 1979 | Establish the Panama Canal Commission to operate and maintain the Panama Canal through 1999, when Panama would assume complete control of the waterway |
96th | 93 Stat. 668-696 | Education Organization Act | Oct 17, 1979 | Consolidate 152 education-related programs in a new Cabinet level Department of Education |
96th | 93 Stat. 695 | Department of Health. Education, and Welfare Redesignation as the Department of Health and Human Services | Oct 17, 1979 | Provide that all references to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in any law, rule, regulation, certificate, directive, instruction, or other official paper in force be deemed to refer and apply to the Department of Health and Human Services, except to the extent such functions were transferred to the Department of Education |
96th | 93 Stat. 89-93 | International Security Assistance Act of 1979 | Jul 20, 1979 | Authorize the President to provide Israel with military aid and Egypt with military and economic aid |
96th | 96 Stat. 954-980 | Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1980 (Appropriations for Synthetic Fuel Programs) | Nov 7, 1979 | Create the Energy Security Reserve to expedite domestic development and production of alternative fuels to reduce dependence on foreign supplies of energy resources |
96th | 93 Stat. 1291-1294 | Meat Import Act of 1979 | Dec 31, 1979 | Provide for a counter-cyclical formula for meat imports, permitting them to increase when domestic supplies are low and prices relatively high, and to increase when domestic supplies are plentiful and prices relatively lower |
96th | 93 Stat. 1324-1337 | Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 | Jan 7, 1980 | Establish a loan guarantee board to administer loan guarantees to the Chrysler Corp. |
96th | 94 Stat. 102-118 | Refugee Act of 1980 | Mar 17, 1980 | Establish new procedures for admitting and resettling refugees, and create the Office of U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs |
96th | 94 Stat. 132-193 | Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 | Mar 31, 1980 | Enact as separate titles the Monetary Control Act of 1980, the Depository Institutions Deregulation Act of 1980, and the Consumer Checking Account Equity Act of 1980, as well as provisions relating to the powers of thrift institutions, State usury laws, truth in lending, and foreign control of U.S financial institutions |
96th | 94 Stat. 229-308 | Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act of 1980 | Apr 2, 1980 | Levy a tax on "windfall profits" received by U.S. oil companies as a result of President Carter's April 1979 decision to end gradually oil price controls |
96th | 96 Stat. 336-337 | International Sugar Agreement 1977 Implementation | Apr 22, 1980 | Authorize the U.S. to become a fully participating member of the International Sugar Agreement which was designed to stabilize world sugar prices by establishing a system of export quotas and stockpiles among the fifty sugar exporting and importing member nations |
96th | 94 Stat. 422-424 | Special Central American Assistance Act of 1980 | May 31, 1980 | Authorize assistance under the Economic Support Fund for the Central American countries of Nicaragua and Honduras |
96th | 94 Stat. 487-498 | Asbestos School Hazard Detection and Control Act of 1980 | Jun 14, 1980 | Establish a program for the inspection of schools to detect the presence of hazardous asbestos materials; and authorize grants to help schools find potentially dangerous asbestos, and interest-free loans to help them cover it up or replace with other suitable building materials |
96th | 94 Stat. 500-535 | Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 | Jun 17, 1980 | Establish an adoption assistance program for children with "special needs" who were eligible for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, AFDC foster care program, or social security |
96th | 94 Stat. 611-779 | Energy Security Act | Jun 30, 1980 | Establish a Synthetic Fuels Corp. to provide loan guarantees, purchase guarantees, and guaranteed prices to develop synthetic fuels |
96th | 94 Stat. 941-946 | Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Research, Development, and Demonstration Act | Jul 17, 1980 | Provide for an accelerated research and development program by the Department of Energy to achieve early application of ocean thermal energy conversion systems |
96th | 94 Stat. 974-1000 | Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation Act of 1980 | Aug 3, 1980 | Establish legal framework to govern the operation of ocean thermal energy conversion plants on the high seas, and provide that licenses and permits be handled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
96th | 94 Stat. 1139-1147 | Wind Energy Systems Act of 1980 | Sep 8, 1980 | Authorize programs to accelerate the development of wind energy systems |
96th | 94 Stat. 1198-1206 | National Aquaculture Act of 1980 | Sep 26, 1980 | Establish programs to facilitate the development of aquaculture |
96th | 94 Stat. 1208-1311 | Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980 | Sep 26, 1980 | Strengthen funding requirements for private multiemployer pension plans and revise pension plan termination rules in order to strengthen retiree income security |
96th | 94 Stat. 1564-1613 | Mental Health Services Act | Oct 7, 1980 | Revise Federal mental health assistance programs to target the bulk of Federal aid to the elderly, severely disturbed children and adolescents, and the chronically mentally ill |
96th | 94 Stat. 1879-1883 | Privacy Protection Act of 1980 | Oct 13, 1980 | Restrict ability of Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers from using warrants to search newsrooms and other organizations engaged in First Amendment activities |
96th | 94 Stat. 1895-1966 | Staggers Rail Act of 198 | Oct 14, 1980 | Establish a national policy aimed at minimizing regulation of the Nation's railroads and, to the extent possible, allowing competition and the demand for services to establish railroad rates |
96th | 94 Stat. 2071-2170 | Foreign Service Act of 1980 | Oct 17, 1980 | Reorganize and consolidate the various components of the Foreign Service to create more uniform statutory terms and conditions of Foreign Service employment |
96th | 94 Stat. 2311-2320 | Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 | Oct 21, 1980 | Authorize appropriations for programs to improve the Nation's industrial technology |
96th | 94 Stat. 2371-2551 | Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act | Dec 2, 1980 | Establish Alaska conservation units that impose varying degrees of restrictions on the exploration of oil and timber, and set aside lands for national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas |
96th | 94 Stat. 2767-2811 | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 | Dec 11, 1980 | Establish an emergency "superfund", to clean up toxic contaminants spilled or dumped into the environment |
96th | 94 Stat. 2812-2826 | Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 | Dec 11, 1980 | Establish policies to reduce paperwork and enhance the economy and efficiency of the Federal Government and the private sector |
96th | 94 Stat. 3015-3029 | Patent and Trademark Laws, Amendments | Dec 12, 1980 | Revise patent and trademark laws relating to federally funded inventions and simplify procedures for handling certain patent disputes |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
97th | 96 Stat. 1469-1548 | Garn-St. Germaine Depository Institutions Act of 1982 | Oct 15, 1982 | Revise regulation of home mortgage lending institutions to strengthen lending institution stability and ensure the continuing availability of home mortgage loans |
97th | 96 Stat. 2201-2263 | Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 | Jan 7, 1983 | Establishes a Department of Energy program for construction of permanent repositories generated by nonmilitary nuclear activities |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
98th | 98 Stat. 67-91 | Shipping Act of 1984 | Mar 20, 1984 | Exempt from antitrust laws certain agreements of conferences among ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators |
98th | 98 Stat. 204-206 | Child Protection Act of 1984 | May 21, 1984 | Increases penalties and clarifies punishable offenses to expand law enforcement response to sexual exploitation of children |
98th | 98 Stat. 333-392 | Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984 | Jul 10, 1984 | Revise bankruptcy laws and establish additional circuit and district judgeships |
98th | 98 Stat. 494-1210 | Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (including the Tax Reform Act of 1984 and the Spending Reduction Act of 1984) | Jul 18, 1984 | Revise Federal income, excise, estate, and gift tax laws; and provide for various spending reduction in order to reduce the budget deficit |
98th | 98 Stat. 1267-1304 | Education for Economic Security Act | Aug 11, 1984 | Establish programs to improve elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education in mathematics and science |
98th | 98 Stat. 2725-2734 | Veterans’ Dioxin and Radiation Exposure Compensation Standards Act | Oct 24, 1984 | Require Veterans Affairs Administration to prescribe regulations to determine service connection of certain disabilities of veterans who were exposed to dioxin while serving in U.S. military forces in Vietnam |
98th | 98 Stat. 2779-2806 | Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 | Oct 30, 1984 | Provide for Federal, State, and local regulation of cable TV |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
99th | 99 Stat. 1770-1841 | Compact of Free Association Act of 1985 | Jan 14, 1986 | Approve the Compact of Free Association providing for new political arrangements between the U.S. and the Federal states of Micronesia and the U.S. and between the Republic of the Marshall Islands |
99th | 100 Stat. 853-901 | Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 | Aug 27, 1986 | Restructure Department of State security program for diplomatic missions abroad and foreign missions in the U.S., and establishes various programs to prevent or combat international terrorism |
99th | 100 Stat. 1086-1116 | Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 | Oct 2, 1986 | Restrict various financial interactions with South Africa with the policy objective of bringing an end to apartheid |
99th | 100 Stat. 2085-2963 | Tax Reform Act of 1986 | Oct 22, 1986 | Provide for comprehensive revision of the individual and corporate income tax system |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
100th | 102 Stat. 1107-1574 | Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 | Aug 23, 1988 | Establish various programs and policies to improve U.S. trade international competitiveness |
100th | 102 Stat. 1851 | U.S.-Canada Free-Trade Agreement Implementation Act of 1988 | Sep 28, 1988 | Provides approval and establishes conditions for a free trade agreement with Canada |
100th | 102 Stat. 2623-2634 | Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act | Oct 24, 1988 | Establish procedures and funding to facilitate Department of Defense closure of military installations based on recommendations of the Commission on Base Realignment and Closure |
100th | 102 Stat. 4181-4545 | Anti-Drug Abuse Act | Nov 18, 1988 | Establish policies and programs to prevent manufacturing, distribution, and use of illegal drugs |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
101st | 103 Stat. 157-159 | Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act of 1989 | Jul 26, 1989 | Eliminate wellhead prove and non-price controls on the first sale of natural gas |
101st | 103 Stat. 183-553 | Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 | Aug 9, 1989 | Revise regulation of Federal deposit insurance system and provide for resolution of failed and failing federally insured savings and loan association |
101st | 103 Stat. 1716-1783 | Ethics Reform Act of 1989 | Nov 30, 1989 | Provide for Government-wide ethics reform |
101st | 103 Stat. 484-575 | Oil Pollution Act of 1990 | Aug 18, 1990 | Establish limitations on liability for damages resulting from oil pollution and establish a fund for the payment of compensation for damages |
101st | 104 Stat. 920-926 | Radiation Exposure Compensation Act | Oct 15, 1990 | Establish procedures for claims for injuries due to exposure to radiation from nuclear testing |
101st | 104 Stat. 963-977 | Market Reform Act of 1990 | Oct 16, 1990 | Strengthen regulation of U.S. securities markets |
101st | 104 Stat. 2353-2367 | Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 | Nov 8, 1990 | Require nutritional content labeling for foods |
101st | 104 Stat. 2399-2712 | Clean Air Act Amendments | Nov 15, 1990 | Provide for attainment of national ambient air quality standards |
101st | 104 Stat. 4079-4425 | Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act | Nov 28, 1990 | Authorize home ownership and other affordable housing programs |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
102nd | 105 Stat. 3-4 | Authorization for Use of Military Fore Against Iraq Resolution | Jan 14, 1991 | Authorize the President to use U.S. military forces to implement UN Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait |
102nd | 105 Stat. 1594-1604 | High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 | Dec 9, 1991 | Provide for a coordinated program to ensure U.S. leadership in high-performance computing |
102nd | 106 Stat. 2776-3133 | Energy Policy Act of 1992 | Oct 24, 1992 | Establish programs and policies to improve energy efficiency |
102nd | 106 Stat. 3320-3362 | Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets support Act of 1992 (FREEDOM Support Act) | Oct 24, 1992 | Establish programs and policies to support freedom and open markets in the independent states of the former Soviet Union |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
103rd | 107 Stat. 6-29 | Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 | Feb 5, 1993 | Entitle eligible private sector and government employees to up to 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave for a serious health condition, childbirth, adoption or care of seriously ill children, spouses, or parents |
103rd | 107 Stat. 1309-1311 | Middle East peace Facilitation Act of 1993 | Oct 28, 1993 | Authorize the President to suspend restrictions regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization |
103rd | 107 Stat. 1536-1546 | Handgun Control, Multiple Firearm Purchases, and Federal Firearms License Reform, including the Brady handgun Violence Prevention Act | Nov 30, 1993 | Provide for a waiting period before the purchase of a handgun and for the establishment of a national instant criminal background check system for firearm transfers |
103rd | 107 Stat. 2057-2225 | North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act | Dec 8, 1993 | Approve and establish conditions for North American free Trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico |
103rd | 108 Stat. 4809-5053 | Uruguay Round Agreements Act | Dec 8, 1994 | Approve and implement trade agreements concluded in the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
104th | 109 Stat. 48-71 | Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 | Mar 22, 1995 | End imposition of Federal mandates on state, local, and tribal governments without adequate funding |
104th | 110 Stat. 56-161 | Telecommunications Act of 1996 | Feb 8, 1996 | Revise telecommunication laws to promote competition, reduce regulation, benefit consumers, and facilitate the deployment of new telecommunication technologies |
104th | 110 Stat. 1489-1538 | Food Quality Protection Act | Aug 3, 1996 | Revise Federal regulation of pesticides |
104th | 110 Stat. 1936-2103 | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 | Aug 21, 1996 | Improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in group and individual markets |
104th | 110 Stat. 2105- | Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 | Aug 22, 1996 | Provide for comprehensive reform of the welfare system |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
105th | 111 Stat. 251-787 | Balanced Budget Act of 1997 | Aug 5, 1997 | Amend numerous acts to reduce outlays and increase revenues to meet previously established budget reconciliation directives |
105th | 111 Stat. 788-1103 | Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 | Aug 5, 1997 | Revise various tax laws |
105th | 112 Stat. 107-509 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century | Jun 9, 1998 | Revise highway, mass transit, safety and other surface transportation programs |
105th | 112 Stat. 936-1247 | Workforce Investment Act of 1998 | Aug 7, 1998 | Consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
106th | 113 Stat. 1338-1481 | Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act | Nov 12, 1999 | Revise regulation of financial service industry to facilitate affiliation among banks, securities firms, and insurance companies |
106th | 113 Stat. 1860-1951 | Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act | Dec 17, 1999 | Establish programs and policies to facilitate employment and eliminate disincentives to work among disabled recipients of social security disability insurance and supplemental security income programs |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
107th | 115 Stat. 38-150 | Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 | Jun 7, 2001 | Reduce tax burden on individuals and provide for a phased-in repeal of estate and gift taxes |
107th | 115 Stat. 272-402 | Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT Act) Act of 2001 | Oct 26, 2001 | Revise law enforcement authorities to facilitate counter-terrorism efforts |
107th | 115 Stat. 1425-2094 | No Child Left Behind Act | Jan 8, 2002 | Revises various elementary and secondary education programs and requires States to establish statewide academic accountability standards and examine student achievement through annual testing |
107th | 116 Stat. 81-116 | Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 | Mar 27, 2002 | Revise financing regulation for Federal election campaigns |
107th | 116 Stat. 745 | Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 | Jul 30, 2002 | Revise laws governing accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to Federal securities laws |
107th | 116 Stat. 1498-1502 | Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 | Oct 16, 2002 | Authorize the force of U.S. military forces against Iraq |
107th | 116 Stat. 2135 | Homeland Security Act of 2002 | Nov 25, 2002 | Establish the Department of Homeland Security consolidating various Federal agencies with responsibilities for preventing, protecting against and responding to terrorist threats |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
108th | 117 Stat. 2066-2480 | Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 | Dec 8, 2003 | Revise Medicare programs and establish an outpatient prescription drug benefit for Medicare beneficiaries |
108th | 118 Stat. 1418-1660 | American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 | Oct 22, 2004 | Revise tax laws to facilitate competitiveness of manufacturing, service, and high- technology businesses and workers |
108th | 118 Stat. 2260-2293 | Justice for All Act of 2004 | Oct 30, 2004 | Codify crime victim statutory rights and establish programs to facilitate the use of DNA evidence |
108th | 118 Stat. 3638-3872 | Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 | Dec 17, 2004 | Restructure the intelligence community and intelligence programs to improve ability of U.S. to respond to terrorism threats |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
109th | 119 Stat. 23-217 | Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 | Apr 20, 2005 | Revise bankruptcy laws applicable to individual and commercial debtors |
109th | 119 Stat. 594-1143 | Energy Policy Act of 2005 | Aug 8, 2005 | Revise energy policies and programs to promote increased energy conservation and the security of energy supplies |
109th | 119 Stat. 2095-2103 | Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act | Oct 26, 2005 | Prohibit certain civil liability actions in Federal or State courts against licensed firearms or ammunitions manufacturers, sellers, or trade associations for damages resulting from unlawful third party use of a firearm or ammunition product |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
110th | 121 Stat. 266 | Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 | Aug. 3, 2007 | Establish and revise programs to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks and other emergencies |
110th | 121 Stat. 784 | College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 | Sept. 27, 2007 | Revise post-secondary education student aid programs to reduce the cost of postsecondary education |
110th | 122 Stat. 1651 | Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 | June 18, 2008 | Provide for the continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through Fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes |
110th | 122 Stat. 3016 | Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 | Aug. 14, 2008 | Establish consumer product safety standards and other safety requirements for children’s products and reauthorize and modernize the Consumer Product Safety Commission |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
111th | 123 Stat. 5 | Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 | Jan. 29, 2009 | Clarify that a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice that is unlawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 occurs each time compensation is paid |
111th | 123 Stat. 115 | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Feb. 17, 2009 | Make supplementary appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization |
111th | 123 Stat. 1632 | Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009; Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 | May 20, 2009 | Establish programs to reduce incidence of mortgage foreclosure and increase credit availability |
111th | 124 Stat. 119 | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Mar. 23, 2010 | Require individuals to obtain health insurance coverage and establish programs to improve health care affordability |
111th | 124 Stat. 1376 | Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act | July 21, 2010 | Improve financial system accountability and increase protection for taxpayers and consumers from improper financial practices |
111th | 124 Stat. 3515 | Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 | Dec. 22, 2010 | Provide for repeal of the policy that prevents homosexual men and women from serving openly in the military |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
112th | 125 Stat. 284 | Leahy‐Smith America Invents Act. | Sept 16, 2011 |
Major overhaul of patent and trademark law to provide for reform |
112th | 126 Stat. 156 | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 | Feb. 22, 2012 | Provided incentives for the creation of jobs through tax relief |
112th | 126 Stat. 1465 | Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 | Nov. 27, 2012 | Clarified the disclosures of information protected from prohibited personnel practices and provided authority for the Special Counsel |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
113th | 127 Stat. 587 |
Drug Quality And Security Act. |
Nov 27, 2013 | Amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act granting the FDA broader latitude in regulating the manufacture of compounded drugs in response to a 2012 outbreak of fungal meningitis linked to a New England compounding pharmacy. |
113th | 128 Stat. 1088 | Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014. | April 3, 2014 |
Provided the government of Ukraine up to $1 billion in loan guarantees in response to the 2014 Russian military intervention in that country. |
113th | 128 Stat. 1754 |
Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014. |
Aug. 7, 2017 |
Expands the available options for veterans seeking medical care and grants the Secretary of Veterans Affairs greater latitude in firing senior personnel in response to the Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014. |
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Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
114th | 129 Stat. 268 | Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring (USA FREEDOM) Act of 2015 | June 2, 2015 |
Restored and modified certain expired provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act and imposed new limits on the bulk collection of telecommunications metadata. |
114th | 133 Stat. 695 |
Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 |
July 22, 2016 |
Granted the Attorney General and Secretary of Health and Human Services broad authority to award grants and initiate other measures to combat the worsening opioid addiction epidemic |
114th | 133 Stat. 852 |
Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act |
Approved by the Congress Sept. 9, 2016; Vetoed by the President Sept. 23, 2016; Veto overridden Sept. 28, 2016 |
Amended the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and the Anti‐Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act to narrow the scope of the doctrine of sovereign immunity in regards to civil claims arising from acts of international terrorism. The practical effect of the law was to permit the continuation of a civil lawsuit brought by families of victims of the September 11 attacks against the government of Saudi Arabia. |
Congress | Statute at Large | Act Name or Characterization | Date Approved | Act Purpose |
115th | 131 Stat. 16, |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition
Authorization Act of 2017
Mar. 13, 2017 | Authorizes $19.5 in funding in support of various NASA activities and goals, including the James Webb Space Telescope, the Space Launch System, the Asteroid Robotic Redirect Mission, the Orion crew vehicle, the International Space Station, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, the Mars 2020 rover, as well as technologies necessary for a human mission to Mars. Authorizes NASA to provide care to astronauts to improve our comprehension of the effects of spaceflight on the human body. |
115th | 131 Stat. 862 | Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 | June 23, 2017 | Improved the accountability of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs. |
115th | 131 Stat.886 | Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. | August 2, 2017 | Codifies certain sanctions previously imposed by the Executive Order and provided for new sanctions with respect to Iran, Russia, and North Korea. Established new congressional review procedures for terminating or waiving sanctions against Russia. |
115th | 131 Stat. 2054 | Tax Law Revision | December 24, 2017 | Reforms the tax rates for existing tax brackets. Temporarily modifies the exclusion of student loan discharges from gross income to exclude from gross income certain discharges on account of the death or total and permanent disability of the student. Doubles the estate and gift tax exemption amount for decedents dying or gifts made after December 31, 2017. |
115th | 132 Stat. 1296 | Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act. | May 24, 2018 | Lessens regulations implemented under the Dodd-Frank Act in order to assist financial institutions by increasing the threshold from $50 billion to $250 billion under which these financial institutions are considered to be too important to fail. |
115th | 132 Stat. 1636 | John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. | August 13, 2018 | Funds the Department of Defense and related national defense programs and initiatives including military construction and military personnel supplementation. Prohibits persons from supporting boycotts by foreign countries against Israel. Establishes procedures for dealing with the export control of emerging technologies. Updates the review process for the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. Increases access to commissaries and exchange programs for recipients of the Purple Heart and other honorary titles and medals. |
115th | 132 Stat.3162 | Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Act of 2018. | Sept. 28, 2018 | Expands the provisions of the Church Arson Prevention Act to include a broader view of religious institutions to prevent the occurrence of hate crimes and threats against these properties. |
115th | 132 Stat.3186 | FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. | October 5, 2018 | Reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration and related programs through 2023. Modifies restrictions on the supplementary fees of airlines and requires that the FAA create and implement standards for airline seat sizes. |
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